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Having fun with little QB's

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There was a lot of calling for the points in Quick Battles to be increased, and it is fun to try to put together Kampfgruppe Peiper. But I find myself having the most fun with 300-500 points. I usually let the computer pick, and I generally end up with 2 inf platoons and some support weapons, maybe a tank or an armored car. Played on small or medium maps, usually 20 turns, this makes for some quick and vicious combat without getting worn out giving orders to a horde of units. For someone who isn't very good, like me, it's a great way to work out tactics before tackling the big scenarios.

My favorite game moment so far came in one of these little QB's. I had a 75mm IG (the computer LOVES to pick those) that was just shelling the crap out of some American armored infantry. Suddenly this bazooka team ran about 50 meters in open terrain to a point about 20m away from the gun, right against the map edge. As the gunners frantically tried to turn their gun, the zook team knocked it out with one shot, then ran away again. I don't know if those guys were crazy or just pissed off, but they oughta get a medal.

-- 19 Echo

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I would also like to re-create KAMPFGRUPPE PEIPER,,, and no I would "NOT" like to re-create the massacre aspect of it...

Just having KG PEIPER at my control would be a rush...



If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no planes at all it's the Luftwaffe." ---German soldier on the Western Front, 1944.

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My favorite moment so far was actually last night, playing Cannes Strongpoint. I created a nice diversion to the north and was able sneak my easterly bazooka team into a copse of trees and take out a wooden and a concrete bunker before the German security teams even realised I had comprimised there perimeter. That's what I LOVE about this game - diversions and stuff really work! WEGO OWNZ!

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I've had the computer pull diversions on me. I don't know if it's that good or if I just suck. smile.gif

Back to the little QB's. You have to be careful with the 300 point ones. I set one up where I decided to buy my units. I wanted to make a little recon probe, so I bought 2 250/1's and a 234/1 (I think that's right. The 8-wheeler with a 20mm). That's all I could afford. I figured the computer would buy a HT and maybe an M-8 or something. I was rather perturbed when instead I ran into an M-36. I might have been able to take it out with the 20mm, but I didn't try to find out. Darn sneaky computer. No wonder people buy KT's.

-- 19 Echo

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