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Guest aaronb

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As has been stated, if you do a LOS check on a target, you can find out if you are hull-down to it and visa-versa. It is clear how this check is done to see if your target is hull-down (you can only see the turret).

Yet the LOS check also tells you if you are hull-down. I assume that this abstracts the ability of a crew to communicate about its own line of sight. As has been mentioned earlier, the gunner can see a target, but some terrain feature blocks the driver, one would assume that you are hull-down.

If the LOS tool allows you to do this when you have LOS to another AFV, then logic seems to dictate that you could also use the tool to aim at a road juncture, a house, a tree-line, etc. This abstraction is identical to getting hull-down info on your own unit when you target another AFV. After all, it is not as if you call up the other tank on your radio and they say "Hey you hull-down bastard, if you think that will save you…"

If my logic works (which admittedly is not all that common) one should be able to do a LOS check on any point and be told if you are hull-down to it.

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I don't understand what the problem is.

People continuosly ask for it - so please do it.

Here is what we need:

Move toward the target until you can fire at it. THAT IS IT.

How to use:

Select target. Select Move until in LOS. DONE

AFV behaviour:

while(target not in LOS)


...If(any other threat appears)

......Target = new threat, exit while loop;

...Move slowly toward the target


STOP AFV! and fire at target

Above code guarantees Hull Down position with respect to target if such position is possible. If it is not the AFV will stop when target will be in LOS. No more "HUNT" movement forward (I hate when AFV keeps moving forward after threat has dissapeared for a second in smoke or terrain)

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Pretty good suggestion, Killmore. I think the coding for my brigade of idiots is more like this:

AFV behaviour:

while(target not in LOS)


...If(any other threat appears)

......Target = new threat, exit while loop;

...Move slowly toward the target


Continue moving forward

Target (appears.outofnowhere)

AFV continues moving foward


Scanning cluelessy in the wrong direction

Target fires.hitmypoorAFV



END (chance of victory)


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Now it all makes sense

AFV behaviour:

while(target not in LOS)


...If(any nonthreatening unit appears)

......Target = new threat, exit while loop;

...If(any threatening unit appears)

......Ignore = threat (it will go away);

...Move slowly toward the target


REVERSE AFV! fire smoke; find mudhole; get stuck; button up; bail out; assign blame

Above code guarantees Belly Up position with respect to target if such position is possible. If it is not the AFV will stop when man walking dog is in LOS.


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This thread has taken on a new form of amusement!

I'm still sticking with my gut feeling. If I order a vehicle to hunt something (Fido), it's going to be botched. My target might be obscured and my vehicle will go over hill and valley hunting this target, probably getting itself into worse trouble. A pure hunt target command might work nice, but what if the target is moving and/or becomes a nationality flag? What does the game do? Hunt the nationality flag? Does it hunt the current location of the target? Hunting stationary targets is one thing, but hunting a moving target is going to be extremely confusing. Worse! What if the computer pathing decides going AROUND the hill is quicker/better than going over it? LOL!

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How's THIS for a true hull down story: While on maneuvers with the 1st AD in Germany (early 90's), I served as a loader on an M1A1 with a brand new 2LT. The engineers completely screwed up the hull down position they tried to dig for us; the bottom was sloped such that the only way we could get a shot off was if we climbed up the far side, thereby exposing the the belly of the tank (and requiring the gunner to practically max depress the gun to get it on target). When backed into the position, we could only see 50 meters to our front. My LT's solution: post me 10 meters in FRONT of the tank and wait for the enemy to approach. When the enemy appeared, I was to "throw rocks at our tank to signal the LT and then scramble like hell to get back on board". The rest of the crew and I just looked at him like he was from Mars! No Sh**! We talked him out of that stupidity and simply moved to some woods. wink.gif Kicked some ass from there.

I've got a dozen more "butter bar" stories where that one came from!

EDIT: Spelling (as usual)

[This message has been edited by Mannheim Tanker (edited 07-10-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Mannheim Tanker (edited 07-10-2000).]

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Uhm.. FFE...

I dont want another hunt command.. but i want a command which enables me to go hulldown relative to a spot i point out when using the command....

if i like to hunt another target down, i would simply use the hunt command and plot a course... but what i find anoying is that you have hell of a time finding an apropriate spot for laying an ambush (if you haven't made your doctor in CM terrain evaluation...)



who has a heart for smilies

and will defend their rights ....

even if the cost is bloody....

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