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Seattle CM Game Day Saturday 14 Oct

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Local gaming club "Metro Seattle Gamers" is holding a Combat Mission Game Day at their clubhouse on 14 Oct 00. There will be a bunch of people there playing all day long. We were hoping for TCP/IP, but will have to make due with PBEM file swapping on the network or hotseat. There will be a few computers there (Macs mostly), but bring your computer and CM disk if you can.

The club is located at:

1139 Market St (Ballard area)

Seattle, WA


It's just $2 to play all day and into the night (11am to 11pm or later). Several restaurants a block away.

Here's their website: http://www.dragonflight.org/msg/events.htm

See you there,


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Actually, the computers will be mostly PCs. I need to upgrade my Mac before I can use it with CM. Of course the Ethernet hub can accept both platforms; it is 10/100 BT capable; most of our computers have 10/100 BT cards. We will be setting up in the Noon to 1 pm time frame.

Mac users may want to use a program such as DAVE from Thursby Software, www.thursby.com to enable cross platform file swapping on a LAN. I have played PBEM TacOps a number of times on cross platform LANs using this software.

Scot McConnachie

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Well we had a good time, although a few people dropped out at the last minute and one of my computers decided to fry its motherboard.

For PBEM play on a LAN it would be nice to be able to direct the PBEM files to a customized location (TacOps allows this for example) rather than saving the file and then having to move it from the current set default.

Matt Hyra and I are discussing setting up a campaign at Metro Seattle Gamers. The idea would be to support both LAN and PBEM games. Since he has spent some time on campaign mechanics, I will be reviewing his materials over the next few weeks. We will also wait for the TCP/IP implementation to come out. I figure it will be early next year when we are ready.

Sage, we will be setting up an email group list for notices from Metro Seattle Gamers. If you or anyone else wants to be on that list, you can email me at scotmc3@aol.com.

-Scot McConnachie

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