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Could SOMEBODY please explain Barbed wire to me

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There have been a number of unanswered posts talking about enemy infantry running through barbed wire without any penalty at all. They just move through the area like it was open ground.

In a PBEM game, my opponent moved an engineer squad at a run through two seperate areas of barbed wire that were spaced apart by a good 15 meters or so. He ran right through the center of the first one and then again through the second one.

Is this a bug? Can engineers do that? I tried to repeat the exact same situation in a hotseat game with myself and they got completely caught up in the wire. I could not get them to clear it at all. The wire was set up in the exact same location.

So, what's up with barbed wire?


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Guest ChrisC1009

I'm pretty sure one of the benefits of Engineers their is being able to cut wire obstacles with wirecutters.

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I thought about the engineers being able to cut wire too, but they were unable to move through wire any better than normal infantry when I have tried to duplicate the issue.

Also, I should note that, when I was watching the playback of the Americans running through my wire, I selected them and the terrain said "Open Ground" the entire time even though they were clearly moving through my wire entaglements.


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Where they running down a hill? Can they pick up momentum running down hill? Hec, I'll have to try that...Maybe they were just running faster than usual. I know, not a very good explanation, but worth a look...i guess.

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I have come to the conclusion that the US assault troops in VOT are actually the results of secret, fiendish genetic crossings of man and bovine. They go through barbed wire with the same apparent ease as my cattle rolleyes.gif

Seriously, there does seem to be some sort of problem with the wire when placed on a fairly steep hillside. Units moving through it there don't seem to slow down, but when the wire is on flat ground, it appears much more effective.




WW2 AFV Photos: people.delphi.com/jtweller/tanks/tanks.htm

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I know you're busy BTS, but could you tell us whether we are just imagining this barbed wire thing?

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