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The more, the better...

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Hi everyone. I just wanted to take a sec to say how much I really am enjoying this game. As long as I stick to medium scenarios, this game is great. (Otherwise the load times are a bit much.)

The sounds are excellent. I really was blown away the first time I was nearby when a tank got... well... yeah: blown away. The way the screen rocks and the debris and smoke fly about. Cool. biggrin.gif

The graphics are top-notch. I wasn't sure what to expect before I actually got the game. I imagined that the soldiers would just slide across the terrain as a sort of fixed icon. I couldn't have been more wrong, and I'm loving it. Want to hear the crazy part? I really don't like strategy games. I had the Steel panther series, but those got old very quickly. This game is much more fun and has given me a new perspective for this type of game.

In short: Wow. This rocks. The more I play it, the more I like it.

BTS, you gues really did a great job on this one. Way to go.


p.s. Thank you to the Bombs-Away.net poster who mentioned this game over there. Otherwise, I would never have found it.

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