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Give us some good ol' CM war stories

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Go, on then please, just so we unfortunate ones with out the game can imagine we were there getting the crap blown of us; or simply behind the monitor clicking on the mouse button and watching those lovely little computer troopers going into battle.

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Quick one, no spoiler here. Just wanted to mention the shock I went into when the enemy used a flame thower on my croc. I was saying Oh S**T for about 2 mins. Everything went on fire. The Croc was able to back out and fired it main gun shocking the flamer unit.

This close quarter weapon is the one I fear the most. Better to be shot than toasted.


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I have for the past 30 years avidly played wargames...from the Avalon Hill early days to minatures...I have all the CC games....was one of the first to get Across the Rhine (?)..and have evry strategy type wargame for the PC every thought up.......

NOTHING ...I repeat NOTHING comes close to this magnificent effort.......

Recent completed a game 'Sherbrook'(the push up from Juno to CAEN) with the Canadians up against an SS Div (or part )...what an unbelievable battle....left my troops in pace much as they were set up...held their ground until my right flank crumbled....4 PZIV.....closely followed by crack ground troops took out a company with small mechanized support......suddenly Reenforcements arrive ..and the battle really begins....breathtaking......


My times are in your hands..deliver me from my enemies

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Hey sniperscope, are the flame throwers any better than they are in VoT? I must have played that scenario 30 times and I have never seen the flame throwers do anything! I have tried hiding them, crawling into good positions, mad rushes, you name it, I've tried it! I've even tried rushing as the Germans to a known computer flame thrower to see if it would flame me,... nothing. The flame throwers are always killed without getting off even 1 squirt. It doesn't seem to matter how suppressed the enemy is, he's always got just enough guts(and wits) left to stick his head up and kill the flamers. So I was wondering if the flame throwers seemed to be able to do more now than they did in VoT or if anybody has some tips on how to effectively use these units?

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ive used the flamethrowers in vot,one managed to get into the village,lots of smoke n suppresive fire first though,i set fire to one house and toasted a part german squad,tried to flame panther with last shot but got wasted by infantry,the effects were brilliant.Only done it once,usally they get wasted before getting in range

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

OK Owen, here is a story of a DoYourOwn scenario from last night (no spoliers obviously)

I chose to defend on a village map, snow, daytime, moderate woods.

I had 1000 points, here is what I bought:

(all troops regular experience rating)

4 Platoons - Rifle squads / Waffen SS

2 Hvy MG teams

2 Light MG teams (these guys can run too!)

1 Panzerschreck Team

1 Puma armored car(with 75 mmgun) eek.gif

1 JagdPanzer IV

1 Hetzer (Jgdpanzer38)

1 Stuh42 Assualt Howitzer

1 Forward Observer for 150mm rockets

I set up defensive positions INSIDE the town, with only scouting teams at the outskirts. I tried to give teams interlocking fields of fire wherever possible, and kept the armor in spots behind a building that I occupy, covering a road into town. Enter the Canadians....

It was a nasty nasty battle, they sent vehicles in first. The Hetzer drew first blood, on an unfortunate Sherman that dared to come too close. The Puma was originally hidden in the woods to my left flank, but I quickly moved him back into town, once the bren mg gun carriers, and Humber cars started pouring in.

It was funny that even in town , and only 100m away from each other , the subtle differences in elevation can block your Line of Site. My Hetzer was close to the Humber, but the AI was good enough to know where to go. But the Puma eventually killed 2 Humber cars, and 2 HMG carriers.

So by then I am getting cocky, and at the first sight of infantry on the edges of town, I call for rockets, a safe 300-400 meters from my positions. OH MY GOD. Those rockets do some hellacious damage, but they could land ANYWHERE. I dont know for sure, but I hope that I killed as my enemy troops with the rockets as I did of my own....Street fighting continued, with neither side able to establish dominance.

In the end, I had blunted his central thrust, and I started to close in from the flanks. My rifle squads were more suited to defensive fighting, especially in that thick snow. I started taking some substantial casualties.

Most surprising event: PIAT teams...I have yet to read up on these, but they managed to take out 1 wood bunker,my beloved Puma, and the JagdPanzerIV. Highly effective when firing from cover, and at 150 meters!

Coolest event: Panzerschreck immobilizes a Humber arm Car, with a MISS. I shot, missed, and it landed right behind it, immobilizing the poor bastard. Probably the shrapnel blowing the tires off. Once again impressed with the attention to detail.

Final Tally:

Canadians : 236 casualties

Germans : 46 casualties

Major Victory; 79 -17

BTS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

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Not a war story as such, but just an observation for the people still waiting: I think many will be impressed, as I was, by how much the Quick Battle function allows you to customize&handicap the sides. Not just force multiplier sorts of things, but troop ability, points spent, etc. Unlike most current designed scenarios, which of course emphasize balance between forces/objectives so as to make them even plays, you can design scenarios in which you are slightly to severely handicapped. I have to say, the Quick Battles I've lost have taught me more than the ones I've won. Nothing like the 'Doh! Slap Your Forehead and Know Shame' factor to make you take notice and remember for next time!

Oh, and try playing in heavy fog in heavy woods. I was sitting there, on the defensive with Canadians, waiting for the Germans to appear. Thick, gray fog, soughing wind, very desolate, and as I'm anxiously panning over the front, tense, waiting for signs of movement or sound, one of my Sargeants says, in a hushed, stern voice "Be Quiet!" I damn near came out of my chair. smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Here are the results of a DYO...of course, no spoiler:

I was playing the British (I love hearing the Sergeants urge their troops on..."come on lads!"). I was the attacker. The map I was given made me believe this was going to be rough. Some trees out on both edges of the map...open wheatfields with a few light building in the middle. Beyond this was relatively open ground leading to a hill in the middle of the map...which was thankfully devoid of trees.

I had an infantry company, 3 Vickers MG teams, 2 3in mortar spotters, 2 Wasp flamethrowers, and a Sexton SP Arty.

Leapfrogged into the woods on the left and right of the map....no contact...no sightings. I moved the third platoon towards the left side of the map...so we were a bit bunched up over there. Flamethrowers moving closely with the troops...the Sexton on the right edge of the map.

As soon as the single platoon on the right left the cover of woods heading for some scattered trees the caught fire from the front. The Sexton wheeled around and began blasting away. Took a few casualties, but no major harm done.

Next turn, having seen no anti-tank teams...fast moved one flamethrower CLOSE to the woods from which I was receiving fire. Impressive performance by the WASP. Cooked them right out of the line. Platoon quickly ran to their positions....on enemy platoon was wrecked.

Feeling confident I moved the left platoon out. Hoping to pinch the Germans onto the bald hill for a final pounding. OUCH!!! The platoon moved out...and bam....20mm, and 150mm fire comes pouring down on them. Casualties are heavy. One shot from the 150mm took out 4 lads in one squad.

Moved that platoon back out of range...moved the center platoon into the open behind a hedge...planned on using the platoon, sexton, and wasp on the right to flank the hill, then charge from the center, and finally have all converge on the guns on the left for the end.

The flank attack encountered no real problems...until they crested the hill in the middle. Sexton comes over the ridge..and wham....panzerschreck. Infantry gets up there...suppresses the enemy, and up comes the WASP. Again does the job...hosing down 2 platoons, the AT team, and a headquarters. Now to the guns....

The three pronged advance leaves the Wermacht no choice but to surrender.

I took some casualties...but not as bad as I had thought I would upon looking at the map. Lost 32 men...10 KIA....Germans lost 167...45 KIA...with another 15 captured.


"You'll die in combat."--DI Sgt. Nixon, Parris Island, SC---Feb. 1990

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Got a good one.

Playing a Custom scenario with my buddy, Matt, in a hotseat game. After my initial purchases, I decided to buy an M18 Hellcat to round out my point total, Just a waste of points, mind you.

About turn 5, my M36 Jackson got flamed by a Jagdtiger, so I decided to whip the M18 to his left flank to see what would happen. Moving fast, ducking behind cover where it was available, he took position on my right side of the map, facing in. Alas! here comes a PzVG and a King tiger, oblivious to my presence. BOOM! King tiger dies from a side lower hull shot. BOOM! PzVG dies from a side upper turret hit. Wow. Mr. Hellcat decides to get out of dodge and zips around the back of the map which buddy-o-mine had left bare of anything of consequence, or so I thought. Come across an 88 PaK 43, BOOM! dead gun. Wow, I think. This guy's gonna get the Congressional Medal of Honour, BUT HE'S NOT DONE YET! Scooting around to my buddy's right flank, moving fast (man can these suckers cruise) he spots yet another King tiger. BOOM! Dead king tiger, rear upper turret hit. Mr. Hellcat moves 30 more yards and spots another PzVG, BOOM! WHAMO! Dead PzVG, Catastrophic, rear hull hit. All of this from a point filler. Jeez.

We're still playing, and my buddy's pretty peeved. He's sending as much as he can after it, but after what I've seen, I don't think he'll catch it with a Jagdtiger.

I guess the moral of this story is:


El Jeffe

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Called in a 240mm rocket barrage on a small town to soften things up before my Pioneers moved in... Two rockets landed short and when the smoke had cleared I had lost two whole platoons and another was down to half strength... Things like that can really ruin you day. frown.gif

I think I'll stick to regular arty next time smile.gif

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Guest Offwhite

Currently playing a DYO as Brits, and I've gained a grudging respect for those 2" mortars. They seem pretty puny, but at one point I had three laying down fire (one direct LOS, two leader-observed area fire) on a German squad entrenched in some woods. The first several shots were pretty wild and didn't bother the infantry at all, but about 20 seconds into the turn they found the range and started dropping their eggs right into the basket - I counted six bursts within the confines of the foxhole graphic and several treebursts. Suppressed the squad quite nicely for the duration of the turn and knocked them down to a two-man graphic (still don't have full ID so I don't know how badly they're really hurt).

In the same battle, I saw a PzII confront my Churchill (talk about balls this big!) and get KO'd while retreating - he was backing down a slope when he got hit, and continued rolling for about 15 meters while burning. I know inertia has been mentioned before but I've never seen a dead vehicle roll that far!

On a side note, I have only one minor complaint with the quick battles - I have yet to see any bocage on a random map (have tried rural and farmland in June and July). Oh well, not to whine - as has been said before on this board, we pick at the piddling details because the vast majority of the game is so gorgeous. smile.gif

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I was playing the allies attacking the germans in a Hertgen forest scenario (forgot the scenario name, sorry). Anyway, I had this 60 mm mortar team come under fire. One guy got killed and the unit broke (it was veteran even). The little pussies turned and ran away. Next turn they recovered, but of course they couldn't reman their mortars. So what to do?

I have this field they have to cross to get the remaining two victory flags. Waiting for me on the otherside is a MG42 nest, a infantry squad and platoon HQ in foxholes, and 2 mortar units in foxholes. The MG42 is laying down some wicked suppressing fire and half my guys are pinned. So I decide if my mortar team can't fire, they can at least draw fire. So I send them running across the field directly at the platoon HQ in a foxhole. They lose another squaddie in their mad dash so they're down to 3 survivors - yet they're still running and 3/4 of the way there already. Needless to say, I didn't expect this since they had already broken. I thought for sure they'd break again.

Well, might as well exploit the situation. I lay down some suppression with mortars and machine gun and rifle fire and send 2 more squads running across the field. The mortar team made it to the foxhole and began hand to hand combat with the axis platoon HQ. You could hear the fists landing - too cool smile.gif. My guys managed to kill one before they were killed, but the fact that they even made it to the foxhole is a miracle. To top it off, since they were engaging the HQ unit, the HQ unit couldn't fire at my other two squads. By the time my mortar unit died, the other two squads were on top of the foxhole and it was all over after another brief hand to hand exchange.

God I love the attention to detail here smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


Jeff Abbott

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