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Spotting with panicked, broken and routed squads

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Can panicked, broken and routed squads continue to spot enemy units ?

It appears that they can - in a number of QBs I have noticed that my panicked, broken and routed squads still appear to be able to provide information on units firing at them and enemy units they pass, by chance, while fleeing/"heading for cover" - these messed up units are the only units I possess that have LOS on these enemy units yet I still know their positions and movements.

Surely units in such disarray should lose the ability to spot the enemy. Even those units firing upon them, those units they could spot before routing etc. should revert to generic markers IMHO.

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Guest Big Time Software

My understanding is that they can't spot anything that isn't shooting at them, and even then at a greatly reduced rate. I'll ask Charles to see if there is some sort of problem or if the thinking behind whatever is in the game should be modified.


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I use 'em as scouts too I'm afraid. The game doesn't really have a good cheap 1 or 2 man recon team (you could split a squad I suppose).

I haven't read most of the game recon thread, but I think some people over there might be mad at me...


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Guest Big Time Software

Crews, once busted out of their vehicles, make very poor scouts. In order to reduce the traditional abuses of these units, they can't spot jack squat unless they stumble upon an enemy unit. In that case, the crew is generally dead in short order.

Also remember... Crews are VERY valuable point wise. Losing a crew to flush out a squad or two of the enemy is most likely not worth the expendature of points. Use a halfsquad instead.


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