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Message for members of my Campaign (please make all post about the campaign....

Guest Rob/1

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I've already e-mailed my BHQ Istari twice without response.

I know he's having some remote mail problems and I understand it, but nevertheless I would like to keep myself informed.

I still don't know some of the other axis players ( FOW ??? ) smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jard:

I've already e-mailed my BHQ Istari twice without response.

I know he's having some remote mail problems and I understand it, but nevertheless I would like to keep myself informed.

I still don't know some of the other axis players ( FOW ??? ) smile.gif


Ok read the post above this is a test of my new profile


Fight for your right!To play CM! biggrin.gif

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com


For more info on Rob's CMC go to Robs CMC HQ

Members of my CMC should join my CMC chat bord. Robs CMC Bord

BHQ's bord. www.geocities.com/robisme_canada/index.html[bHQ's bord

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-06-2000).]

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Ok I have made an update and added a screen shots scetion! I will soon have picts from the campaign it self!

No spollers though. wink.gif


Fight for your right!To play CM! biggrin.gif

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com


For more info on Rob's CMC go to Robs CMC HQ

Members of my CMC should join my CMC chat bord. Robs CMC Bord

BHQ's bord. www.geocities.com/robisme_canada/index.html

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-07-2000).]

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Axis Commanders!

Those damned Allied Jabos strafed my command car, and I was forced to hide in a ditch and then walk to the nearest HQ. Thankfully, I wasn't injured like Feldmarschall Rommel a few months ago. Now the Battalion staff is reassembled, and we can proceed as planned.

<translation: I was unable to access my email account since Thursday, but now I am back on-line>

I have posted to the Yahoo chat board, emailed Rob directly, and am posting here as well to let you all know that the Axis command staff has recovered and is preparing to strike into the vulnerable underbelly of the US Army.

Stay tuned, for as soon as I get some info from Rob, all Axis commanders will be hearing from me, probably tonight.

If you read this before hearing from me directly, give some thought as to whether there would be a good time tonight to conference among Axis commanders and email me your preferred times tonight to my email address: cjohnson@cybermed.ucsd.edu

More soon.

Chris Johnson

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I'm a fair wargamer, but don't use the Internet for much beyond email and Web surfing. So I'm not sure what ICQ is that you are referring to. However, I'm here in USA with a good ISP connection, so I'm more than happy to do what it takes to install it and use that to communicate. Any websites you can direct me to so I can get ICQ setup?

Chris Johnson

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I will try to talk with you on ICQ tomorrow night, as per your message.

Don't mean to be a jerk here, but when can you send me the scenario, map and Axis player list? I've been asking for 10+ days, and still nothing. I literally have NO information. I can't do anything until I have some info.

Hope you can send me some data soon. ;>


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Can you send a message direct to me at cjohnson@cybermed.ucsd.edu? I'd like to get your email so we can talk a little about planning for this campaign.

As per Rob's instructions, I set my schedule today so he and I could talk between 3-5pm, but now he can't make it.

I'm a little frustrated. Maybe if we exchange emails, I can stop being in the dark about what is going on.


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After pondering a minute, I wanted to send this follow-up message. Understand that I'm not trying to do an "end-run" around you by contacting Peter. I really appreciate the hard work you've done in designing the scenarios, running the chat boards, and organizing the players. It's a tremendous amount of work, and it shows.

It's just that we've been missing each other for almost 2 weeks, and I know my schedule starts getting busy again on Monday, so I'm trying to get as much done as possible this weekend, and I hope that PeterNZer can fill me in on how this will run. Remember, I have literally NO information - no map, no scenario description, no order of battle, no player list for the Axis side.

Chris Johnson

Axis BHQ

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Hum Well I will send you an eamil some time tomorrow with the list of players and the map.

Sorry I have a lots of homework to do and to study for a Science test for Wesnday but I will get you that list. Sorry again. I will be on ICQ for the next 15 mins. smile.gif


Fight for your right!To play CM! :D

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at RobsCMC@hotmail.com


For more info on Rob's CMC go to Robs CMC HQHome of Robs CMC

Members of my CMC should join my CMC chat bord. Robs CMC Bord

BHQ's bord. BHQS bord

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