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Request to BTS regarding file loading window

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Steve and Charles,

This is "something" (more like somethings) that I'd like to be considered, if it's possible, in a future patch and/or CM2. I realize this request probably sounds trivial, but when it's something that you have to do constantly it gets to be a bit more cumbersome.


It would sure be nice when loading a PBEM game if the window that pops up to choose the file to be loaded would a) appear in the middle of the screen, B) be larger than what it is right now (when playing multiple PBEM games it sure fills that folder up fast), and c) be able to save the "settings" I have to always rechoose each and every time I load a PBEM file for how to display the files in this window.

What do I mean by ©?

I typically change the file window display to show all details and then select the modified/date column heading so that they appear in chronological order. Reason I do this is that it simply makes it easier for me to find the PBEM files that I just saved from my email application since it forces the list of files currently in the folder into a single column vs. the normal multiple columns and the latest PBEM files downloaded will always appear at the top of this list using this approach. Makes it way, way, easier to find files, especially when playing 3, 4, and sometimes even 5 different PBEM games at the same time.


It would also sure be nice when the above window pops up if it would default to the PBEM folder. Right now I don't believe that it does and everytime I start the game I have to go muck around and set the directory to the PBEM folder. Again, if this could be saved in the persons user profile file this might help.

Thanks in advance for listening. I realize some of these things might be limited/controlled by the Window's OS, or other factors. But if they arn't, it would sure be nice to see some of these things changed since it is something that the player has to deal with constantly and I'd much rather be spending my time playing the game vs. trying to get the right file loaded.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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I'm obviously not Charles or Steve...

I believe what you are asking for is limited by the OS. The file dialog box is the standard one defined by Windows DLLs (in the case of PCs). I highly doubt (but don't know for sure) that there are any programming tweaks that can be done to modify the dialog box's behavior. To change the dialog to have the features you wanted would require writing the code from scratch in order to customize it and plug into the file system. It would be a bit of a hassle to say the least.

An unfortunate set of circumstances, but it does allow Charles to concentrate on the game mechanics.

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 06-09-2000).]

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