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Opponent Needed (with a caveat)

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I'm looking for an e-mail opponent,however i'm afraid i can't play at a very quick pace. My work schedule is a tight one. I have long periods (2 to 3 weeks) where i am extremely busy with only a day or two off for serious gaming, between these sessions i generally get a week or so where i have a great deal of free time. The bottom line being that any PBEM opponent i face would have to be patient enough to wait out long periods of inactivity.

I have consistently defeated the AI since purchasing the game, but i'm fully aware that AI tactical decisions and human opponent leadership are two different kettles of fish. Ideally i'm looking for one of you killer Axis players to tangle with, you know who you are, the ones that can hear the crack of your leather boots as you advance in cold winter weather and smell of cheap Hungarian tobacco as you play.

I can promise an extremely hard fought and well thought out battle (within the scope of my abilities of course), and as a veteran of many past PBEM encounters with a variety of games i promise to play until the end, i'm not a quitter. I will register on any PBEM ladder you desire if thats a concern.

Ideally i would like to fight as the Americans (i'm Canadian but living in the US)with the following setup;

Defender (Axis): 3000 points

Combined arms

Force: No restriction

Quality: Medium

Battle type: Attack

Map size: Large

Attacker: Allied

Handicap: None

Date: February 1945

Time: Day

Weather: Clear

Game length: 50 turns

Map type: Village

Tree coverage: Moderate

Hilliness: Modest Hills

A great strain on both forces i believe.

If anyone is interested in a battle of this magnitude knowing that turns may come infrequently at times and every hour at others please contact me. Again ideally this struggle will be one where every now and then a turn will show up in our mailboxes and we look at it as 'ah yes, the battle continues, what has my foolish opponent done now'.

I realize this is a strange situation and one that i probably wouldn't have involved myself in if i had a lot of time to play, but perhaps someone is in a similiar situation to mine.

This is a great game, one of the best i've ever played, but like all wargames the real fun is playing against someone.

My e-mail address is; dreghorn2@ridgenet.net




'A mans greatest pleasure is to crush his enemies, sweep them before him, to take from them that which they possess, to see their women and children in tears'

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