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Weapon Graphics

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I was just wondering if US AB units that were primarily armed with carbines (i.e. mortar crews), will the graphic for when they are using their carbines be one for the M1 Carbine or the AB variant the M1A1 Carbine. Not that this is important, I was just curious.

All American

P.S. Will US AB .30 cal crews be armed with the regular air-cooled .30 cal MG or the .30 cal MG variant that was made. I forget what it's specific name was but it had a bi-pod and a wooden stock I believe.

[This message has been edited by All American (edited 04-20-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Hmmph, now THAT is a nit-picky question! biggrin.gif

I doubt there will be that minute of a detail concerning small-arms graphics. Yes, obviously you can tell the difference between the German MP40s, MP44s, and Kar98Ks, but differentiations between models of the same gun, I don't even think Steve would put that amount of detail in the game. I think it's great that you can even tell what a squad is carrying.


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I was just think that the .30 cal MG air-cooled variant that was made for AB forces could be pretty significant in a battle since it was I think about 10 pounds lighter then the origignal air-cooled .30 cal MG (with tri-pod included). This would mean the unit would be able to move faster. Also AB MG units usually carried less MG ammo.

All American

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If I remember right ( and bear in mind that my knowledge of US Airborne forces in CM mainly comes from killing them in droves with tanks and artillery so I'm no expert on them in CM) US airborne forces have a 3 man MMG team instead of a 5 man team and carry less ammo. There's probably also some accuracy differences hidden in the code but I couldn't swear to that.

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Guest Seimerst

IIRC, the number of soldiers shown in the graphic is not the actual number of men that the computer is tracking. That 3-man MG team might really have 5 people. The only way to tell is the unit info window. The grpahic will reflect a representational loss of men as casualties occur.

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Fionn is (almost) right. The Airborne have two "versions" of a MMG, one with 5 team members, the other with 3 men. It's the same weapon according to the unit screen (M1919A4), but the 3-men team seems to carry way less ammo. Don't know if there are other differences, though...

BTW, Seimerst - teams in CM always have one man (visually). Only squads are shown with more.

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