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f***ing lame graphics --- an educated reply

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the grass looks like a blurry carpet

the characters look like lego figures and move like they're on a treadmill

the buildings are boxes... boxes

the water looks like carpet also

the woods are rectangular.

the sky doesn't move

there are no light sources or shadows

the vehicles are see-through

the wheatfeilds are also like a yellow carpet.

the road floats above the ground

bts is a ****in lame-ass

p.s. please don't respond cause I don't want to start a flamewar, just my opinion


True, compared to some of the RTS's out there, the graphics are about 3 years back.

However, if they hire a Direct3D expert to throw in some nice graphics, the game would sell that many more copies.

Swamp, the default graphics aren't that good, but check out the amazing add on's that are free:

The makers of the game allowed the BMP directory to be open source so that players could update the "lame" graphics themselves.


This will significantly improve the graphics.

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I don't think he is listening. He is well aware of the mods that are available but I appreciate you mature reply to a rather sad post.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Considering that CM is the first proper 3D wargame, there's nothing wrong with the graphics. Even if there were no mods available, I'd still think the same. It'll be a sad day if Steve and Charles ever get more concerned about graphics than they are about realism. Comments like Swamp's merely suggest to that there's an individual who never should have bought the game in the first place (don't these people ever read reviews or look at screenshots?).

By the way, where can I get these "see-through" tanks? I reckon they'd be brilliant for approaching enemy positions unnoticed.

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I am going to pull back my older response to this tripe and see if it makes any sense. Any more "complex" graphics and your puny little Pentium would melt down. This is just the beginning and a good beginning it is!

Steve Jackson

PS-- Unlike Swamp Sparky people can disagree with me all they want -- and DirectX is no solution except to make the game die a horrible bug ridden death.

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Anyone who is really interested in Combat Mission doesn't give a damn about the graphics. They're great as they are.

swamp is a troll. This is a pointless subject.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Tell me Sparky's joking......

hahahahahaha, wheu, boy that was good! Hey, my sides are hurting now. He's got to be joking, guys......



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

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