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Translation is correct

interpretation, well, not what I was looking for, but not bad.

Bastables get 5 points

Who's next? smile.gif




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Guest GriffinCheng

BTS said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There are VERY few commanders that have high marks in all three. I would say that Hauser scores very well in all three. Someone like Rommel or Patton scores HUGELY the second and third, but only decently in the first.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is why Rommel is one of my most favourite. BTW, where can I find references (books/web site) to Hauser? How about Guderian and von Manstein?


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OK, pull up your chairs for a history lesson smile.gif

British Regiments have battle flags (like most nations) upon which they emblazon their battle honours (again, like most nations). The Royal Regiment of Artillery was no exception, until sometime during the Napoleanic Wars.

Since all Gunners belonged to the same regiment, and because whereever the British Army went they made sure to take along a few gunners, the RA amassed itself quite a tidy collection of batle honours.

Too many in fact to put on the Regimental Flag. Even if they'd had two flags.

So, at some stage in the early 1800s the reigning British Monarch removed the Flag, and all the battle honours at the same time.

"Erk!" went the gunners, "that can't be fair"

In their place the Guns became the Colours of the Regiment, and too-numerous-to-mention battle honours were replaced with the single word "Ubique", which means - as Bastables noted - "Everywhere"

This is meant to denote that whereever the Army has fought and distinguished itself, so too has the artillery.

Brings a lump to your throat doesn't it? ("lump", not "chunks". Blimmin grunts...)

Which brings me back to the start. Moriaty said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>artillery without groundpounders never wins<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> to which I reply vice-versa smile.gif





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Bingo biggrin.gif Just in time Bastables claims the ten points.

Now, about that Sigs thing ... ever thought about a Corps change ... ? smile.gif




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Guest Big Time Software

Very nice history lesson indeed!

As for sources on generals, I don't have many specific ones to list off. But here are a couple...

There is a book entitled "Hitler's Generals". Forget who authored it, but that is a good overview of a large number of generals. You can also read the autobiography of my pick for most brillian senior level commander in WWII, von Manstien. It is entitled "Lost Victories". A good biography of Guderian is "Guderian - Creator of the Blitzkrieg" by Kennth Macksey. There is a great biography of Sepp Dietrch but the name escapes me for the moment. A great (but a bit dull) "History of the German General Staff" by Goerlitz will give you a fantastic view into the importance of the General Staff officers and the establishment as a whole from inception to destruction. I think the latter is out of print, don't know about the others.


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Guest GriffinCheng

Thank you for all the informative posts smile.gif

The book on Sepp Dietrich may be "Hitler's Gladiator : The Life and Times of Oberstgruppenfuhrer and Panzergeneral-Oberst Der Waffen-Ss Sepp Dietrich" by Charles Messenger.

BTW, I have got the Chinese-translated edition of "Hilter's General" published by Taiwan but I have not read it yet.


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The neandro-luddite-grunt (NLG) smile.gif said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Usually, the safest place on a battlefield in where arty is shooting. Been that way since you guys stopped loading your guns from the front.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

rolleyes.gif I think the poor NLG has his facts confused here. While smallarms fire (hint: that's what grunts do smile.gif ) accuracy may well have declined since the days of the Brown Bess and volleys at 20 paces, the more intelligent cannoncockers have learned to achieve over 80% first-shot kills even on targets well beyond all human observation, and this under appalling battlefield conditions.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This no doubt comes from those soft beds and hot chow you get in the rear<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm. The arty recruits smart people who realize the military value of new technology and can learn how to use it to best effect. Is it then surprising that these same people take advantage of 1) trucks, and 2) the long range of their weapons, to position themselves closer to the necessities of life? War is Hell, but you don't have to be stuck on the lowest level of it smile.gif.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I bet you're the reincarnation of Blind King John of Bohemia

Please, Fredrich... got to love a guy who makes his grenadiers march into the attack on Austrian artillery with their arms shouldered<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I think Blind King John is more your type. He was in one of the innumerable waves of the futile French assault against the English at Crecy. He'd been blinded in battle years before but this didn't bother him. And despite this, and the utter ruin of French chivalry surrounding him, he still ordered his retainers to lead him towards the enemy. He was killed, of course. He is the archetypical NLG smile.gif

As for those Prussian grenadiers, Freddy wasn't "der Grosse" for nothing. All great commanders know their troops, and FdG knew he had an army of NLGs. He knew they couldn't walk and chew bubblegum at the same time, let alone march and shoot simultaneously. Besides, he knew they couldn't hit anything anyway, or figure out how to reload, which is why he had their bayonets permanently attached to their muskets. But they were NLGs, so he knew they'd enjoy marching into the Cannon's Mouth. This is the real basis for the above orders. smile.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bullethead and I both Marines.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn straight! Semper Fi! Us cannoncockers exist only to support grunts.

Geez, doesn't that sound like Marvin's problem "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 01-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 01-19-2000).]

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Hmm, hate to break up the cocker love-fest (almost sounds x-rated doesn't it? wink.gif ) but MANY times infantry have won battles without artillery versus enemy with artillery.

Also, many times the cannoncockers are sleeping in or taking up the comsat's bandwidth with more downloadable porn and totally miss the battle wink.gif

You can't help win a battle you aren't even near or awake for wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Fionn said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MANY times infantry have won battles without artillery versus enemy with artillery.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Many" as in a number greater than most grunts can count to, but "few" when compared to the total number of battles ever fought, or the number of times the cannon-less forces have been uttery destroyed wink.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Also, many times the cannoncockers are sleeping in or taking up the comsat's bandwidth with more downloadable porn and totally miss the battle<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, you gotta have your priorities straight smile.gif. Besides, you know how the Devil finds work for idle hands. If we didn't let the grunts brawl every once in a while, they'd start wandering back to our "comfort zone" trying to steal our booze, food, porn, and smokes smile.gif.


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