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TacAI pillbox placement. Bug or "bad luck"?

Guest ciks

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I was playing (beta24) a small scenario called Westwall. In the briefing i was said that there will be few German bunkers in the area. They were indeed:


Look how AI placed all bunkers in one spot of the map (i highlighted them). Needless to say i scored Total Victory, but the game was very disappointing cause there were no challange (i flanked them from left and that was it). It was no scenario author bug, because i selected Free To Place Units before the start.

Had any of you experienced same "problems" and does this happens often?

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I recall playing that scen. The pill boxes were just where they are in your snapshot. A long walk for the infantry and a tough road for the tanks. Glad you did so well. I seem to remember taking casualties before I got those pill boxes. IMO not a bug but the designers placement.

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