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Viper II OK?

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I've got an old voodoo2 card in my computer and wanted to upgrade to a newer 3d card to get rid of that blocky smoke.

I've seen arguements between voodoo 3, tnt2, and the more expensive ge-force. I haven't seen the Viper 2 with the s3 savage 2000 controller mentioned. Any bugs, or would this one work ok. I did buy one, but haven't unwrapped it yet.

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I have a Viper 2. Have had it for about a month and so far I like it. The only problem with the card is that the drivers seem a bit immature. So, prepare to tolerate some minor probs until the drivers are fully realized. I would also add that to play Combat Mission in all of its beauty on the Viper 2, you can crank the hell out of the resolution if you like, but you need to ensure that the AutoMipMap is checked for the Combat Mission app in the display properties>settings>advanced>direct 3d.


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-16-2000).]

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