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Ambient Sounds reflect Seasons, well I'll be...

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The trees change with seasons, but did you notice that the ambient background noise reflects the season? Not just weather effects like rain, etc, but the common background that goes with the distant sound of battle.

The fall has wind blowing and leaves rustling. I was quite taken by surprise that even the background sound was worked on to this detail!

For the last couple of days, I've been kicking the tires, peeking under the hood, and turning all the knobs. I'm still stunned by all that I'm finding. What an amazing product CM has turned into. I hope BTS and all those who helped are aware of the fans truly appreciating their work. And once they finish bowing, get back to it and bring us MORE!!!

An Addicted CM Fan

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Hey buddy I feel the same way as you. All of the little details that went into the game. I am sure the beta testers must have had some input into this area. Play the Wiltz as the Axis. 3 times I have tried to take the town and 3 times the allies have stopped me cold. One rule I have for myself is that I NEVER read anything related to a spoiler posting. It takes too much away from the game. Enjoy.


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The ambient sounds and voices are a terrific addition to the immersiveness of this game. Here's my favorite example of the soldier's "small talk:"

I was playing as the Brits and was able to knock out a Tiger with a PIAT at very close range. The German crew bailed and ran, but of course the Tiger remained sitting where it had been knocked out, very close to a building where I was hiding some troops. On the next turn, I happened to be zoomed in close to my soldiers near the tank (who were not otherwise engaged in combat), and I distinctly heard one of them say, "Would you LOOK at that thing!"

The tone was not fear but something more like admiration and awe. Clearly, they were admiring the size and impressiveness of the tank they had just taken down.

What a game!

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Guest Madmatt

Hahahhaa... There is a story behind Dan Crick (the guy whose voice that is!) and I recording that particular sample... wink.gif

Wait until you hear him shout "Chew on this pineapple Fritz!" biggrin.gif

I have plans for Danny boy and a few other Brit friends for a future MDMP. Keep your ears out for more details! wink.gif



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After playing the beta demo to death, it was nice to hear some of the additional voice sounds.

I particularly liked hearing "Enemy tanks" while playing CE as my Amis spotted half a dozen StuGs (I was playing with Germs at +150%)


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