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What is Main Factor in Turn Speed

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I have looked through older posts and have not seen up to date information on some of the larger scenarios with regards to turn speed.

Most of the older posts on speed talk about the Demo and Minimum Specs.

With the advent of some newer LARGE scenarios (August Bank Holiday etc.) I'm finding turn speed is becoming an issue on what I considered to be a pretty quick system. It's now up to 1-2 Mins and slows the game down quite a bit over 60 turns.

Always looking to improve things I would like to know what are the main things happening when you hit the GO button.

I guess some basic questions are:

1. Is CPU Speed & Type the main factor in turn calculation speed?

2. Does RAM affect things?

3. Does Graphics card affect this.

4. Does OS (Win98- Win2000 Pro etc.) have any bearing?

5. Will later versions of DirectX matter?

For the record I run Win98 SE, PIII733/133Mhz, 128Mb of 133Mhz RAM, Direct X 8.

I have seen BTS state that Floating point is a big factor. Would I be safe in assuming that the only way to get speedier turns would be to upgrade from 733 to 1GHz + sort of thing (or buy a MAC haha) Will anything else make a difference?

Would an extra 128Mb do anything?

Has anyone found CMBO to run faster/better under Win2000?

How is everyone else finding these new big scenarios?

If anyone has some information/opinions etc. on this it would be greatly appreciated.

p.s. Been a lurker for a while. Thanks to everyone for providing extremely useful information and a good laugh on occasion.


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Actually, I've found the main factor in turn speed is the number of shots that must be calculated and how many opposing units are visible to each side... This points to CPU..... Even in Bank Holiday (great scenario BTW), it doesn't slowdown until the action heats up and with many units per side shooting at one another it goes from something like 20-30 seconds between turns to 1-4 minutes between... I guess BTS isn't fibbing when they claim to take so many factors into each shot calulation.... Just watch CPU during a turn calculation, CM absolutely pegs it.

You should buy the fatest Athlon you can afford (the Athlon kicks the s**t out of a PIII (or PIV for that matter) in FPU calculations). See http://www.tomshardware.com

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jsims is correct.

- The number of volleys fired in a turn sets the main load on numbercrunching.

- How long the crunching takes is very much up to the CPU, and possibly also slightly effected by databus speed.

- Your 1-2 minutes are pretty fast by my standards. A small scenario I've designed with 20-30 units firing at their max ROF takes >5 minutes to crunch on my PII/300. I haven't dared taking on any larger scenario yet.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

A small scenario I've designed with 20-30 units firing at their max ROF takes >5 minutes to crunch on my PII/300.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow! I'm surprised to read this. I have an ancient Pentium Pro 200 and it never takes more than about 1 minute to calculate a turn, even large 3000+ points with lots of action going on. How much RAM does your system have? My system has 128MB.


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