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Allies or Germans?

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That's incredibly cheesy, Fionn. I can't believe you faced 9 Jumbos in one game. That's like all the Jumbos in an entire division...the opposing commander must have really kissed some ass to score those! "Give me all the heavy tanks, please!"


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dan Weaver:

That's incredibly cheesy, Fionn. I can't believe you faced 9 Jumbos in one game. That's like all the Jumbos in an entire division...the opposing commander must have really kissed some ass to score those! "Give me all the heavy tanks, please!"


That's why computer-selected forces are such a beautiful think. Like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Well, to be fair, I'm taking out my frustration on one poor SOB.

He's facing 4 KTs and 9 StuH42s ( he killed one of them on the approach march ;( ).

I decided to see if 10 StuH42s would allow a single infantry company to attack a US Battalion wink.gif. So far its looking good ( The KTs are there just to keep his armour hidden and let my StuH42s have free reign.)

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Both sides. German mother and American father, so I do WWII both ways <g>. I generally prefer German for a variety of reasons and usually play German in single player mode, but so far all of my PBEM games have been as American. Too much fun to be had on all sides not to explore all of the options.

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