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Waiting Is The Hardest Part (REVISITED)

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Has everyone sent Combat Mission as there game they are waiting for the most yet?

I don't see CM as this month's (April) winner. It is time to keep sending those requests in.

Here is what you do:

send an email to eyewitness@pcgamer.com with "Waiting Is The Hardest Part" in the subject heading and tell them Combat Mission is the game that has you dying with anticipation.

Let's go people, START SENDING!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.giftongue.gif

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Guest MantaRay

Team Fortress 2, by Valve Software who's parent company is Sierra "We ship UNFinsihed games everytime" Studios. One major difference in this game is that Valve who put out Half Life, added a free 25MB add-on called Team Fortress, which many say is the best add-on to come in gaming period...let alone free.

Team Fortress 2 is a stand alone game that will feature Rogue Spear like play with better graphics and better internet play. I for one am VERY EXCITED, and I hope it comes out soon. There are some impressive movie trailers on the net about it, and since it uses realistic weapons and has no Aliens, I think it may be the best MP game to come out this year(If it does ship this year smile.gif)



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Although it will be different, there's also a Quake 3 Fortress comming. Maybe the graphics are less or the team-work, but you can't beat Q3 for it's great online-playing (meaning that even with a ping like 500 it's still VERY smooth. Maybe something to keep busy until CM/TF@ is released.

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Guest Captain Manieri

How can I vote for CM, when I don't even have the game yet? For all I know, it could be the worst piece of crap! But I seriously know I could be wrong. Simple fact..no game, no vote.

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Manieri, the whole idea of the survey is to vote for a game that's NOT out yet. Also, I'm looking forward to TF2 also but Valve doesn't need our help to publicize their game like BTS does. The way I see it is that BTS has been very supportive of their fans by answering our questions, including suggested changes, and most importantly not rushing the game out the door before it's done. Therefore I think their fans should support them by helping get some free publicity. If everything works out maybe we'll see more companies like this and big companies like Sierra will become more responsive to fans. Well, I can fantasize, can't I? Besides, from what I've seen on this board Combat Mission really is the most eagerly awaited game in history! It borders on the psychotic! So send in those votes!

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