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What if .... more women leaders?

Guest goonch

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Sometimes I think about wars in general, especially after seeing a very realistic portrayl in a movie like Saving Private Ryan and Platoon .

And you know what? I think to myself afterwards wars are really f****d up. I have lost so many relatives and friends to wars It is so barbaric. Legalized murder. I know, I know ,we have to defend our flag and protect democracy and all that stuff.

However, I always wonder if there were more women in charge as world leaders, would we still have as many wars? Any wars ? Is it a male thing or what?


leave the gun, don't forget the cannolies.

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Many people would like to say yes, but, in my opinion that there would still be the same problems. Wars are caused over territorialness, hatred, or basically greed. Women are not free of such vices just like men. Women claim that they would talk it out rationally, but, they can be just as irrational as men are. There have been many "bruital" or warmongering female leaders (Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria, many Egyptian Queens). Female animals are known to be as bruital or even more so than some of the males. Human women just haven't had as much of a chance to prove their war abilities.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Margaret Thatcher was in power when Great Britain fought Argentina. Politics is a power struggle and so is war. So I don't see sex as the deciding factor.

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Guest Paul Roberts

Likewise, India was not exactly pacifist under Indira Ghandi (1966-77, 1980-84), nor was Israel with Golda Meir (1969-74).

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Excellent examples. I feel better already.

I love playing wargames and watching war movies. However, sometimes I feel guilty. What makes it worse is that my wife thinks I am a war monger because of my interests.

Hell, she hasn't even seem me cause sheer devastation from above by flying my jet sims and dropping napalm and GBU-24s on anybody who gets in my way.


leave the gun, don't forget the cannolies.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

My girlfriend tried half life, (I was coaching her), She killed her first little critter that attacked her. She used the crowbar. Then, while the helpless dead critter lay there on the floor...she hit it again until it exploded it's guts.

I was impressed, she attacked the second time not to defend, but out of hate. I think there is a future for her in my wargames. I'm working on it.

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I said roughly the same thing in a post on the "why wargames & war?" thread, but again I gotta point out as a psychologist: you have to look at the overall frequency of behaviors of people before you characterize them. Women, in general (all generalizations are wrong including this one) are much, much less violent in all ways than men. They commit far less crime. They're not "better" than men, but they are definitely less violent in their behaviors. In the other thread, I also pointed out that extreme violence and warmaking is not "typical" behavior of males, either: most males in any national population that I know of don't typically commit acts of extreme violence. To take human behavior under the most traumatic and extreme circumstances and say: "There--that's what people are REALLY like" makes no sense.

Also, the argument could be made that all of the female leaders who have made it to the top in any country do so in a society dominated by males: what kind of women do you think are going to make it to national political leadership positions? Maggie Thatchers and Golda Meirs and Indira Ghandis. The power structure they operate in wouldn't allow a pacifist woman (and usually allow no women of any kind) to take the highest office in the land and act on her beliefs. Nor a pacifist male, for that matter!


Max Molinaro

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Hey, up here in Canada we had ourselves a female Prime Minister, ol' Whatzherhead. Nobody can seem to remember her name, as she came in during the last few months after Brian Mulroney 'retired' and was quickly ousted from power.

I think her name resembled something of a female body part, hmm, was it Mulva?

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Ah, if there where only female leaders, the wars would be fought in a more infamous and sneaky way. For example, say you had five neighbouring countries. As long as all where "present" and together, there would be peace, but if one country started focusing on something outside the "gang", the other four would start bickering and finaly jump on it. Of course the one attacked would then use a bit of divide-and-conquer to set the other four up against each other. In the end, there would be a short and vicious all out attack followed by a peace so teardripping and sweet that it would be downright nauseating! Until on of the countries started looking another way again, which would start it all over again. smile.gif

Believe me folks, I worked 6 months in a kindergarden as the only male adult when I was 18 years old. There might be fewer brawls and fistfights among women, but their inventiveness when it comes to finding new ways of hurting each other psychologicaly still surprises me!

This does of course not include all female humans out there! wink.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

[This message has been edited by Hawk (edited 01-27-2000).]

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