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Macs and batch mods

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Are you aware that on Windows, the graphics are individual BMP files, whereas on the Mac they are all stored in ResEdit files?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes quite. :P I do, considering i have to install them. MCM3 does all my work for me. Unfortunately, it's not doing this right.

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Do you have "Graphic Converter"? If you do drag and drop those bmp. files onto the GC icon and it will instantly convert the PC bmp. files into files the Mac can understand. Than you process the converted files through MCM3. If you have Res Edit as Mr Aitkensstated that should work too.

Merry Christmas


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make sure you quit Cm before using MCM3. When you restart it they should be there. Also, sometimes need to be careful and verify which data fokder you are trying to modify. The Original data file, the one you are using or a duplicate. I have once or twiced thought it wasn't working only to see I had ben modifying a backup data folder.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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which conversions are you having troubles with?

also, how much video ram do you have? It seems to be possible to overload the video ram in some cases, and the new textures dont appear in game.

also, use MCM3 to double check (visually) that the new textures were copied over into your data file.

if you still have trouble, feel free to email me, or post here. I'll check back when possible, though computer access is limited for me until the new year (vacation).

and, definately let me know if you think there's a bug, or find one. We tested it thoroughly but you never know. I know i havent had any issues with MCM3 not correctly converting the folder...

oh, one more thought: check the log file and look at the file path that you modified. That should show you a few things:

1. the mod was loaded and converted

2. where the conversion happened.

A last note: if you hit the OPEN button when selecting a data folder, as opposed to the CHOOSE button, MCM3 wont convert. I used the standard mac open folder call to choose the folder, and may change this as there has been some confusion regarding which buttion to hit.

another thought: I assume MCM3 worked before in converting textures? If so, even more odd that it wont do it now. Please let me know what mods (specifics) wont convert over, and I'll see if I can get them to work.

thanks, and happy hoidays to all!



History is made at night

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Marco – good of you to offer, but I don't think that anything you could do would make a difference to what is being discussed here. 'Converting' PC mods to Mac format is as easy as this:

– Download PC BMPs

– Open BMPs in Apple's PictureViewer

– Open desination data file in Apple's ResEdit

– Copy images from BMP to ResEdit file

Using a 'mod manager' program is another issue, and I think that is the subject of this thread. I haven't personally used these, so I'm not qualified to comment on the matter. =)


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Shadow 1st Hussars wrote:

> None of you understnad my question,

Well let's see, so far we know:

> I can't seem to get the #*$# things to work ! My poor HT's don't switch, nor the T8 & kangaroo, or the firefly, of the sherman.....

> MCM3 does all my work for me. Unfortunately, it's not doing this right.

> I know how to install the mods. It won't switch between countries.

You can't get batch mods to work... your HTs, T8's, Kangaroos, Fireflies and Shermans don't switch... MCM3 (Mac Combat Mission Mod Manager, I assume) is not working... it won't switch between countries.

You're right, we don't understand. I assume aikidorat is responsible for MCM3, so have you done all he suggests?


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hey shadow....

are you talking about different country mods for the shermans, etc -the mod folders that contain extra textures for american, free french, and british shermans, etc?

if so, these texture mods have a folder, or folders, that contain the different bmps. IN each folder, there may be some bmps that have dash numbers, or letters, after them. These are the ones that differentiate the countries.

use MCM3, or manually do it, to convert the specific dash number you want.

IMPORTANT: Do not convert all the dash numbers, as only the last one converted will show up in the game.

ie: xxxx-1.bmp: american M4

xxxx-2.bmp: french

xxxx-3.bmp: canadian

xxxx-4.bmp: british

(note: I made those up, the actual split may be different wink.gif ).

so, for the canadian M4, use xxxx-3.bmp. For french, use xxxx-2.bmp.

CM the game only recognizes ONE texture per vehicle, so if you have the french version loaded, and are playing a game as the americans, your shermans, etc, will have the french markings (using my example above). To get teh american version you have to convert the american texture (xxxx-1) before starting CM.

hope that answers your question.. if not, let us know and we'll figure it out.



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