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Angle of attack

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I know the angle of the incoming round with respect to a tank can make the difference between a glancing shot and a kill.

If you had a choice to advance closer to the enemy to get on a slope that was more advantageous, how much closer can you get before the payoff of the better slope is outweighed by the decrease in range of the incoming round?

[This message has been edited by iggi (edited 04-06-2000).]

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I'd have to say 'It depends'. There's a whole lot of factors that go into this sort of thing. If it involves getting hull down when you aren't already, you're probably better off getting quite a bit closer. Also, the greater the slope of your armor initially, the more effect the increase in slope will have. A panther, for instance, on a 15 degree slope, will probably have almost everything that hits the glacis (at a 70 degree angle now) bounce off, but a tiger won't gain nearly the advantage from that same 15 degree slope. (I think; I'm not an expert on such things, but basic trig seems to suggest that)

So it's hard to give any hard and fast rule on such things. I expect you'll figure it out after a little bit of experience with the game...


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Guest Captain Foobar

You still have plenty of differing angles on your target, and could hit a different spot, ie. different angle every time.

If you have a low velocity gun, I would get as close as is reasonable. Theres not too much you can do about the angle, as your target isnt a static flat surface.



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I'd have to agree with JH and Foobar.

I remember being trained in AT warfare as an Infantryman where they told us flank shots were the best. Later, when I spent a year (mid Seventies) in an Armored Bn, with M60A1's (I know, different gun than we are using) they STILL said flank shots were the best. smile.gif

Having had several M4 shots "break up" upon hitting a Stug and several TD shots break up upon hitting a Tiger, I'd say flank shots are still the best. Not necessarily full flank, but even a few degrees off allows for easier access to the turret. Look at all the K'O'd shots from WW2,Korea,Arab-Israeli, Gulf etc....most that I have seen (tho I admit to not studying the matter) have been turret shots.Hard to do on a Stug, I know smile.gif

Yesterday in LD I had a really "hull down" TD over by the church on the road smoke the Tiger...it took a few shots, but the Tiger was overshooting me and I stayed put...the Tiger angled around and opened up his flank just enough to get killed. In the interests of full disclosure I didn't expect him to do that, but I knew I was so hull down he would have a hell of a time hitting me...so I thought we'd slug it out...(this took the last three turns of the game). It worked. biggrin.gif

While you are angling around for a few degrees advantage on a front slope shot, the other guy (AI) will be looking for your flank.

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