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A River Runs Through it is GREAT!

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Seriously, get this scenario from Rune and Play it double blind via TCP/IP, I would say 5 Minute turns should keep it challenging.

Try it with the new beta #23 patch that was JUST released.

This one is FAIR and if you trust that your oppenent won't cheat and run it against the AI on the "other" computer (everbody has one for those, rollie Eyes), then you are in for a real treat of a fair well balanced battle.

Its fair and its fun and there is plenty of action to keep you busy.

Get it from Rune, find someone you trust, and play it over the Holidays.

and ...... HAVE FUN with the new b#23 patch!

-tom w

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Seriously, get this scenario from Rune and Play it double blind via TCP/IP, I would say 5 Minute turns should keep it challenging.

Try it with the new beta #23 patch that was JUST released.


Yes, these scenarios look great for TCPIP play or even pbem. I went over the the CMHQ chat room yesterday and inquired about where to get those scenarios, and bingo!, Rune immediately emailed me the zip file containing about a dozen scenarios for double-blind play.Actually I haven't looked at them because I am saving them for double blind play, (Ok, I did look at the map for "A river runs through it", but only for about 15 seconds to get an idea -I swear that's all I did...), but great job, Rune!

To give Rune a hand, I will be glad to email the zipped file to anyone who emails me at <h.arsenault@videotron.ca> (I don't have it at this address).

So there's a new patch? Gotta get it, I have been holding off TCPIP because of the tank bogging problem...

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I had the pleasure of playing against Rune on this scenario, and yes I won...if only barely. smile.gif

This is a great scenario. Very well balanced and now that the bogging bug is fixed in b23, Rune may have even won!

Give it a try...you'll like it!

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I am in the middle of a PBEM game afainst Marlow on this one too. I just sent him an email saying that the last 10 turns are going to be ugly.

rune is a sick sick man. "Battle of the buldge" and "walk in the sun (I think that's what it's called)" are very bad jokes and are giving me fits right now. He designs scenarios with a very twisted mind and every one has been worth seeing.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

This one is FAIR and if you trust that your oppenent won't cheat and run it against the AI on the "other" computer (everbody has one for those, rollie Eyes), then you are in for a real treat of a fair well balanced battle.

Its fair and its fun and there is plenty of action to keep you busy.


Fair? Well balanced? I musta missed sumptin'...









I played this one as the Allies on TCPIP last night, and I decided to capitulate on move 20 (out of 30) when the connection broke off for the fifth time between our computers.

Unless the Allies get some heavy armor in the last few moves, I don't see how they can stand up to the Germans.

The Germans have a Tiger, two Panthers and a few PzIVs against which the Allies have 2 Fireflies, 2 Sherman Vs, a Cromwell VII, a Crocodile, a few Stuarts and a single 57 mm AT gun.One of the Fireflies and a bunch of Stuarts come in as reinforcements about halfway through the 30-move game. Only the tin-can Fireflies have cannons that can stand up to the German tanks, and there is no possibility of any flanking because of the river crossed by a single bridge with the main victory flag on it.Both sides have infantry, and it is my impression that the Allies have considerably more infantry, which are basically useless, since the only useful infantry unit that the Allies have is a 25-pounder artillery unit that comes in with the reinforcements, whereas the Germans have a heavy artillery unit from the get go.The other Allied artillery units are the 2-in mortars that come with the infantry platoons.

Unless the Germans decide to cross the bridge, the Allied infantry is pretty useless except for the 25-pounder, which came in much too late to make a difference in my game.

In the game, I managed to position my infantry in the woods close to the river because the Germans took some time before they made an appearence. When I saw a couple of armored cars making their way between the woods, I advanced my 4 tanks together to the edge of the bridge with the intention of hitting the enemy with massed firepower, where they were immediately hit by heavy artillery that within a minute disabled one Sherman V with a gun hit, killed the commander of the Firefly and immobilized another tank.

German tanks began to make their appearence, and my tanks and the AT gun killed a couple of PzIVs; then the Tiger and 2 Panthers appeared, and my AT gun bounced 4 shells in a row off the Tiger before the latter killed the gun. My crocodile which I had swung to the right managed to bounce a side shot off one Panther who dispatched the Churchill with a frontal shot on his first try; the German tanks quickly killed all my tanks in the center, who haplessly managed to bounce a few shots off their armor. My arriving Firefly, who had been sent around to the left was killed with the first shot after it bounced two shells off the same Panther on the right, leaving me with no armor except for a couple of Stuarts.

In the meantime, I had managed to position my 25-pounder artillery spotter, who was now bringing down a withering barrage upon the German tanks, who had concentrated near the bridge- to no effect whatsoever! Over 100 25-pounder shells fell among the German tanks, whose commanders apparently disposed of them with fly-swatters from their cupolas while picking their noses.

At this point, my opponent decided to cross the bridge with his Tiger followed by another tank, which was probably a mistake, since my infantry along the road on my side was basically intact and had a number of PIATs available.But even had I killed those 2 tanks, the Germans had more tanks left and controlled the bridge objective, which I certainly could not take with only infantry against tanks and infantry in good cover.

This was when the connection was lost for the fourth or fifth time and when I decided to call it a day.

Now this is a fine scenario, but given that the Germans can win without crossing the bridge and given that the German ubertanks are met by tin cans with pea-shooting 75 mm guns that have no hope of flanking them unless they turn sideways (and even when that hapened, my Churchill failed to penetrate the side of the Panther), I don't see how it can be called fair or balanced. My opponent agreed that the scenario is strongly biased towards the German player, but maybe he was being polite...

Anyway, if you won this with the Allies against a human, I would be interested in hearing about how you went about it.

Despite the unbalanced scenario, I am grateful to Rune for letting me have this package of scenarios designed for double blind play. maybe I'll have better luck with another one.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri:


Fair? Well balanced? I musta missed sumptin'...




Despite the unbalanced scenario, I am grateful to Rune for letting me have this package of scenarios designed for double blind play. maybe I'll have better luck with another one.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:











There are TWO fords one and either side of the bridge, they help as infantry can be pushed across them.



"Captain, are you telling me that you reached the river unopposed and that you didn't cross?

"Err, General Patton,Sir...I didn't realize that there were two fords nearby and I didn't want to be ambushed crossing the bridge..."

"WHAT?...There was a bridge and TWO goddamm fords across the river, and you sat on your hands and waited for the goddamm krauts to make an appearence?...Who the hell gave you your commission?..."

"Well, sir I was led to believe that this was a meeting engagement and that the opposing forces would be about equal, and they had GERMAN tanks, sir, so I assumed..."

"You poor ****head excuse for an officer!...Where's my pistol, I'm gonna shoot the sonavabitch!...Let me go!...Get that goddamm asshole out of my sight!...I don't want any pussy-footing cowardly officers who can't tell if a map is upside down in my army, do you hear?..."

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It was during the Penninsula Campaign of 1862 that believing himself heavily outnumbered, the Federal Commander of the Army of the Potomac, General George B. McClellen and his staff, rode a short distance ahead of the columns, who were now ever so slowly advancing up the marshy Virginia terrain towards Richmond.

At a certain distance, McClellen and his officers stopped and began to discuss the uncertainty of how deep the water was at a particulary ford. After considerable discussion and speculation, McClellen asked one of his senior officers how deep did "he" feel the water truely to be.

Frustrated, and beginning to show it, a young upstart Captain rode out into the middle of the ford, wheeled his horse to face McClellen and his staff stating; "General, THIS is how deep it is!"

It is interesting that the timidness displayed by McClellen would characterize his entire career, lengthen the American Civil War, and personally haunt him to his death, while conversely the brashness of the young upstart Captain that day, would also characterize him throughout his career, eventually resulting in his own achievment to the rank of General, but finally in 1876, resulting in his own death as well as that of some 200 officers and men of the U.S. 7th Cavalry at Medicine Bend Cooly, otherwise known as "The Little Big Horn". The young Captain that day was ofcourse, George Armstrong Custer.



"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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It was during the Peninsula Campaign of 1862 that believing himself heavily outnumbered, the Federal Commander of the Army of the Potomac, General George B. McClellen and his staff, rode a short distance ahead of the columns, who were now ever so slowly advancing up the marshy Virginia terrain towards Richmond.

At a certain distance, McClellen and his officers stopped and began to discuss the uncertainty of how deep the water was at a particular ford. After considerable discussion and speculation, McClellen asked one of his senior officers how deep did "he" feel the water truly to be.

Frustrated, and beginning to show it, a young upstart Captain rode out into the middle of the ford, wheeled his horse to face McClellen and his staff stating; "General, THIS is how deep it is!"

It is interesting that the timidness displayed by McClellen would characterize his entire career, lengthen the American Civil War, and personally haunt him to his death, while conversely the brashness of the young upstart Captain that day, would also characterize him throughout his career, eventually resulting in his own achievement to the rank of General, but finally in 1876, resulting in his own death as well as that of some 200 officers and men of the U.S. 7th Cavalry at Medicine Bend Cooly, otherwise known as "The Little Big Horn". The young Captain that day was of course, George Armstrong Custer.



"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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The M5A1 has mg's again, and yes, it DOES make a difference. Another Firefly was added per your request, but I have beaten people with the forces I had. It can be done, but you have to have patience and use the fords. smile.gif


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