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Madmatt - Is there a Java Chat Client for your Site?

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Guest Madmatt

Umm, it IS Java based.

There is also a more traditional IRC connection option available. Load up an IRC client, connect to cmhq.tzo.com:7000 then join #lobby and Voila your in.

I have seen some other firewalls keep my system out though. frown.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

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Combat Mission HQ


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aussie Smith:


Want to get on to your Chat area - but I'm behind a firewall at work frown.gif.

Just wanted to know if/when/maybe you'll have a java chat client at CMHQ.

Cheers Mate


Which is just as well.

As a tax-paying Australian, I'm not too happy about Commonwealth Government productivity reducing, a result of certain staff members stopping work to have a CM related chat! biggrin.gif

Of course, we state government employees are exempt (it's a shame though that our firewall prevents access via the java based option as well)!


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 08-29-2000).]

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Damn Firewalls

same thing here in the states...What is wrong with these people? Do they not realize that CM is an alternative lifestyle? I'm being oppressed!!



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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