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Geneva Convention? We dont need not stinking convention!

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Hey All,

I am posting this thread to find out what "incidents" you have experienced during your engagements in Combat Mission.

Over the weekend I managed to fight 3 of the 10-battle operation I had put together on Friday. By turn 25 of the second battle I had driven the Germans off the map and was mopping up a stubborn last pocket of resistance. One of the two units in this pocket turned out to be a SS Rifle Platoon HQ unit that put up a fight to turn 26 when they promptly surrendered after taking concentrated fire from a Jumbo, Stewart, Greyhound, and 3 Halftracks. During the "orders" phase of turn 27, I ordered my Armor to hunt/move towards the last unit in this stubborn pocket, and I ordered my new prisoners to move out of the rough area they where located in and head over to the POW holding area where I had 2 HMG squads under guard. AS SOON as the SS HQ unit took 2 steps towards my men (hands held high over their heads) they where quickly mowed down by my "trigger happy" tankers. biggrin.gif That HQ unit went from having 1 casualty to having 1 man left in a matter of a second! That poor slob made a run for it towards the safety of the map edge (which was only 50 or so meters away) only to be riddled with bullets from my "Bloody Boys" wink.gif

I was laughing so hard my side hurt.... I replayed it several times because I just couldn’t believe it! These guys had surrendered to the very tanks and halftracks that mowed them down. Wow. 12 .30 cal MMG's and at least 2 .50 HMGs from a distance of no more than 75 meters all opened up on 5 guys with no weapons and their hands held over their heads. LOL I’ll remember that one I assure you.

So what "incidents" have you all witnessed?

(By the way, when I asked the Sergeant who reportedly gave the order to open fire, "How can you fire on men with no weapons and their hands held over their heads?" He tersely replied...."That’s easy cur...with short controlled bursts!" I said, "Carry on Sergeant." ) biggrin.gif


One shot...One Kill

[This message has been edited by Iron Duke (edited 08-14-2000).]

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It was funny at the time it happend. Guess its one of those..."you had to have been there" things.

It was a morbid funny I'll admit, but I didn't think this would ever happen in CM...I mean its not like my unit fired on them AS they surrenderd or from across the map, the HQ unit had surrenderd a whole turn before to THESE guys! I dunno...still makes me chuckle. Hehe



One shot...One Kill

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Hi Guys,

Maybe there is a variable that the TACAI uses that allows for the occasional, accidental or deliberate shooting of surrendered troops? Would seem possible. Could include: Type of surrending unit, morale, type of guarding unit, victory conditions and fatigue.

On a somewhat similiar note - I had a German squad surrender and then run into a building and start firing at my troops.

Jeff "TankDawg" Newell

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Maybe they do, the first battle was brutal. Thick fog, LOS down to 120 meters...I had a company of Infantry and roughly a platoon of Armor (Lt. tanks included), 2 Greyhounds, 2 MG Jeeps and 8 half tracks. We we guarding a convoy of 15 trucks with various guns attatched to them. Needless to say the fighting got down and dirty...hand to hand. (literally) At the end of the fighting that morning I counted over 27 SPW's (various modles), 2 Panthers, 2 Pnz IV's, 2 light Pnz and roughly 2 companies of SS rifle troops, and at least a Heavy Weapons Platoon. I figure I'm up against at least Battalion (probably more like a Regimental size force. Elements of the Panzer Lehr Division?)of SS Mech Infantry to account for all the SPW's, with Armor support. My whole company of grunts where virtually whiped out and I lost half of my armor force. (I got Battallion reenforcements that afternoon) But man did I give the Hun a beating! So maybe the reenforcements decided to get even. wink.gif

The Sergeant who reportedly gave the order to fire survived the mornings' battle. Sgt. Jenkins, Greyhound Commander. 17 Infantry casualties caused, 12 SPW 251/9's destroyed, 7 Unidentified Vehicles destroyed, 3 SPW 251/1's destroyed. His Greyhound fired ALL of its ammo...and as you know, thats a ****e load! Sgt Jenkins has become my favorite TC/Crew. The little car that could!


One shot...One Kill

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dem greyhounds. One of my personal favorites. Nothing like sneaking around the back of a formation of panzers and givin' em each a shot in the arse.

as far as the topic however, was it summertime? Maybe it was a particularly hot day and Jenkins got a bit overheated and reacted, how shall I say, brashly?

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Probably more the Thick Fog conditions then anything else. Noticed the TacAI likes to inflict "friendly fire" with alarming frequency under low visibility conditions. Surrendered troops = friendlies.

"Hey, what does 'bitte, bitte' mean?"

"'Look, I just washed my hands for dinner', Haha!"

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