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PBEM Viruses?

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Let me start this by stating that I'm relatively unfamiliar with viruses and so any further information would be appreciated.

I'm using Netscape (Pile of Steamy Poo) for my email manager on my PC with Win98. I recently got a virus warning from my updated Norton Anti-Virus program. It did not, however, warn me upon receipt of the email but rather when I tried to REPLY to an email with a PBEM turn.

The file was received as normal, I saved the turn as I normally do (i.e. right click on the attachment icon and "Save As" the filename in the appropriate folder). Then I played the turn and saved it. When I got ready to send the turn back, I opened the previous email from my opponent and chose "Reply" so that I could respond to some statements he made (God, you're an idiot, What a Stupid Move, the usual). I attached my turn and SENT the file. When I hit send, my Norton program kicked in and advised me that a file in my C:\Windows\Temp directory was infected with the WScript.Kak virus. It then allowed me to delete the file. I was finally able to send my turn to my opponent by creating a NEW message that wasn't a Reply.

This has ONLY happened with this particular opponent and it has happened twice with two different turns.

In researching further, it appears that this virus can and does infect PC's (apparently there aren't enough Macs in the world for hackers to care about smile.gif ) and propogates itself through MS Outlook and Outlook Express. It also CAN cause Windows to shut down.

I have two points regarding this issue:

1. Since I'm using Netscape (POSP) I'm presuming that I'm NOT sending this virus to my other opponents. I'm also assuming that Norton is picking up any problems and allowing me to delete the offending files in my Temp directory. Any thoughts on my uninformed presumptions?

2. Be advised that this sort of thing CAN happen to you and make sure you have up to date Anti-virus programs. I'm also told that Microsoft has a patch for the bug in Outlook that allows this to happen.


[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 07-31-2000).]

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Netscape should be scanning your files when you receive the infected messages, not when you are replying to them!

I recommend you buy Norton Anti Virus, or McAffee to protect your PC. If you are on the 'net a lot, and because there are just too many Outlook viruses out there, I think it would be a good idea.

Some of these packages let you "clean" infected files, so you may not lose the information. One thing you should right away is let the other person know that they sent you a virus so they can disinfect their machine.

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Sorry Pat, I thought I made it clear that I HAVE an updated Norton package and that Norton did pick it up. I too am surprised that it didn't pick it up upon receipt but only when I tried to respond to the message.

I'm assuming that since the virus was part of the attachment and not part of the email and that's why it showed up where it did, i.e. in the Temp directory.

Norton did allow me to delete the infected files.

Of course I immediately informed all of my opponents that the problem showed up.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sorry Pat, I thought I made it clear that I HAVE an updated Norton package and that Norton did pick it up. I too am surprised that it didn't pick it up upon receipt but only when I tried to respond to the message.

I'm assuming that since the virus was part of the attachment and not part of the email and that's why it showed up where it did, i.e. in the Temp directory.

Norton did allow me to delete the infected files.

Of course I immediately informed all of my opponents that the problem showed up.



I'm pretty sure the Kak Worm only attaches itself to Outlook express e-mail files,the minute you receive the e-mail you're infected.I think a critical Windows update takes care of it



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