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Rebutile to the UK question on "Who killed JFK?" on the Election-Day threads

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Oops, that should say, "rebuttle" redface.gif

Well I don't know who exactly killed JFK, but here's some interesting and ironic information.

1960 Election:

-John F. Kennedy (D) vs Richard M. Nixon. ®

-Nixon won the Popular Vote.

-JFK won the Electoral College, therefore winning the Presidency.

-Three years later JFK is assassinated.

2000 Election:

-Al Gore (D) vs George W. Bush ®

-Gore wins the Popular Vote.

-Bush might and probably will win the Electoral College and the Presidency (come Monday) wink.gif

-Where will we be three years from now?


--"We want information."



--"Who are you?"

--"The new Number 2."

--"Who is Number 1?"

--"You are Number 6."

--"I am not a number, I am a free man!"


[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-18-2000).]

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Wrong Maximus.

In 1960, Kennedy won the popular vote by 114,673 votes. He received the electoral college votes from 22 states, while Nixon received the electoral college votes from 26 states. The total votes cast that year were about 69,000,000.

The three popular vote losers, but electoral college winners were;

John Qincy Adams - 1824

Rutherford B Hayes - 1876

Benjamin Harrison - 1888


Kennedy: 34,227,096

Nixon: 34,107,646


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Very insightfle.

Before readers subject this rebuttle to a casual dismissile, they should remember:

Both Leon Czolgosz and Charles Guiteau had foreign-sounding names.

All assassinated presidents so far have been born east of the Mississippi. So were both Bush and Gore!

Bush and Gore both have 4 letters in their names- and there have been precisely 4 US presidential assassinations!

Isn't this a bit much to be coincidentle?

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Aye, and it's been long known by witch-doctors and mystics that such things as these ALWAYS are indicators for the future. If Bush and Gore both have 4 letters in their name, or win a certain selection of popular vote, the future MUST hold an assasination. It's written on the cards! It's in the orb! The book says so! smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Oops, that should say, "rebuttle" redface.gif

Well I don't know who exactly killed JFK, but here's some interesting and ironic information.

1960 Election:

-John F. Kennedy (D) vs Richard M. Nixon. ®

-Nixon won the Popular Vote.

-JFK won the Electoral College, therefore winning the Presidency.

-Three years later JFK is assassinated.

2000 Election:

-Al Gore (D) vs George W. Bush ®

-Gore wins the Popular Vote.

-Bush might and probably will win the Electoral College and the Presidency (come Monday) wink.gif

-Where will we be three years from now?


All I am going to say is Americans and there little problems...the best part is the rest of the world dosent care!


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If Gore wins, one could only hope.... Like Rob said, Who cares, other than us Merkins? We have become a joke to the rest of the world as of lately anyway... May as well continue it... Whom of us from the US can be proud of the fine sportsmanship displays by our Olympic athletes? Now, the most democratic nation in the world can't even choose a leader without the lawyers and courts taking a swing... I'm disgusted... This is NOT what our founding fathers had in mind...

...As I climb down from my soapbox...

we now return you to your regularly scheduled posting...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bigmac:

We have become a joke to the rest of the world as of lately anyway... May as well continue it...

Now, the most democratic nation in the world can't even choose a leader without the lawyers and courts taking a swing... I'm disgusted... This is NOT what our founding fathers had in mind...



actually avoidance of revolutions in the face of close elections and use of courts of law IS what our founding fathers would have wanted...and dang it, the multiple use of ellipses is my trademark! smile.gif


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Thank you, russellmz.

It's a close election in a big country. Why can't some people handle such a simple idea?

We've waited for the overseas votes, because it is so close that they can make a difference. The legal challenges are a part of the system working, and insure maximum scrutiny. What do you think, someone's gonna roll over and play dead while they've still got a chance at the Presidency?

I have strong feelings about the outcome, but I'm not ashamed of the procedure. No tanks in the street, no riots, certainly more peaceful than the night of a World Series victory. Thank god, no coalition governments; just solid, hardball party politics. If anyone is "ashamed" of THIS, they are really too thin-skinned to be American. Have a beer like the rest of us and enjoy the spectacle.

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Algore wants to win at all costs...even at the perversion of a traditionally orderly electoral process. If with the help of Daily (who certainly knows something about stealing elections!) he assumes power he will be viewed as illegitimate by half the American electorate. As for the Europeans...well, they always hate and sneer at us Yanks - that is until we bail their sorry ass out of wars or economic depressions. OK - flame away.....

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Well I agree with 'russellmz', 'Mark IV' and 'MH'.

And with that, I might as well add what I chose not to put in my initial post.

Hell, the European community can't even hold a Soccer/Football game without having a riot. I think the United states is handling this situation-NOT crisis-just fine. It just goes to show you that the system *does* work and we'll all get through this. And in about a week, we'll all forget it ever happened and life will go on as usual.

First of all, the recount in Florida was manditory due to the very close percentages. What was it? Something like a % of 1% difference in the votes? Only then is when the situation arose in Palm Beach county with the irregular ballots.

And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?

Maybe some of those "jokes" in the parent thread should have referred to Canada as it refuses to acknowledge the rest of the world.

Your comments, Rob, are exactly the typical Canuck attitude I speak about. And don't give me that you're just 15. I've heard the same type of comments from Canadian adults older than I.

This whole "I don't care" attitude has never set well with me from whomever has it. That's the whole problem with this world. Nobody cares what the hell is going on.

Well let's look at it this way. What if the United States were taken over by some hostile military regime from abroad or domestic? What would happen to world economics? They'd go straight to hell. That's what. The fact of the matter is, whether you like it or not, the well being of the United States has a LOT to do with the world as it is today.

Don't really mean to harp on Rob here alone, but it's just that "We don't care" attitude that I can't stand. I'll tell you what. If the United States didn't care what was going on in Europe during the early '40s, what kind of mess would the world be in right now? No CM:BO for one. wink.giftongue.gif

OK -Rant Mode Off-

Just had to get that off my chest.


--"We want information."



--"Who are you?"

--"The new Number 2."

--"Who is Number 1?"

--"You are Number 6."

--"I am not a number, I am a free man!"


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, that is just patently false. What we don't care about is American politics.


I'll tell you what. If the United States didn't care what was going on in Europe during the early '40s, what kind of mess would the world be in right now?


So where were you in '39 (and '40... and '41...)


I remember it perfectly: The Germans wore grey; you wore blue...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hun Hunter:

Giving the Brits and Frogs the chance to save themselves, guess we should have known that wasn't going to happen based on previous experience smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh yeah. That's how it happened. For a while I was under the misconception that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour and Germany declared war on the US. Thanks for the heads-up biggrin.gif


I remember it perfectly: The Germans wore grey; you wore blue...

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Guest Madmatt

Hello pundits.

Seems everyone has weighed in now here, but as we have said before, Political threads, even while topical, really don't belong in this forum.

Best to quitely just lock it up while no one is looking. I would recommend continuing this over in the Peng Thread. I hear they are getting hard up for something to mull over and debate. wink.gif


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