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A question for those in the know

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Last night I was playing Plomville in the Demo version. The AI germans had set up three bunkers on the far left of the screen. After the game started heating up and the bunkers were located and being fired on by my troops I noticed something odd. when I'd target a bunker the usual info popped up as to what it was and such. this I can understand because it was obvious by their firing on me. My question is though I knew what weapons they were using how is it I also knew the experience level of the soldiers inside. I never got closer than 90meters or so. Is it the same in the full version?

I thought that I saw this discussion once before so please bare with me for bringing it up again.


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The short answer is yes.

If you're able to see a target clearly enough, and for a long enough period of time, you'll be able to tell its experience level.

I also happen to wish that this wasn't so smile.gif


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Thanks for the response fellas. It does seem kinda unrealistic. Maybe if I am close up on some enemy infantry I could understand but not some dudes hunkard down in a bunker a few hundred meters away.


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Ok this time my Sherman targets a pillbox 560meters away and wastes it. Said pillbox doesn't even fire. It also takes out a 75mm bunker but that may have fired I am not sure, bunker is 526meters away. Not only is it positive what theses units are but also their experience level.

The thing is though, later on I have a Sherman 90 meters from a light buliding, who has been fired on for a few rounds by it's occupant and there is a question mark as to weather this is an MG Crew? I don't get this.

It isn't gonna kill me with this in the game

but I shouldn't know this stuff really.

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