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Just how exactly would TCP/IP work?

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I'm new to this online gaming stuff, so playing CM with TCP/IP is a rather foreign concept to me. How exactly would one do it? Would it be as simple as battlefront.com having their own servers dedicated to the game, play it at someplace like Microsoft gaming zone, or something completely different?

I've been playing computer games for 10 years now, but I haven't ever played online in any of that time. The closest I've come is modem to modem connections, which themselves are pain in the arse.


Jeff Abbott

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In a nutshell, you would probably connect directly to your opponent via your internet

or local lan connection.

It's as easy as clicking "join tcpip game"

and responding to a "host ip address"


I have a home lan so the games would be a snap but if you are behind a firewall or have a dsl line you MIGHT have a bit of a problem hosting.

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