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Everything posted by rastak

  1. I for one cannot wait for the tcp/ip option.....keep up the great work BTS, you guys do rock.
  2. In a nutshell, you would probably connect directly to your opponent via your internet or local lan connection. It's as easy as clicking "join tcpip game" and responding to a "host ip address" dialog. I have a home lan so the games would be a snap but if you are behind a firewall or have a dsl line you MIGHT have a bit of a problem hosting.
  3. Everybody knows how cgi provides the same power of servlets and applets without all the overhead....ya, RIGHT...sure...java is bad. I'd love to hear the compelling arguments.
  4. Forget the anti-piracy stuff, the only people who get screwed and have to jump through hoops are the people who bought the game. Pirates will remove every protection just as fast as BTS adds 'em. And who pays for it? The buying public. BTS is right on the money with their statement. Casual piracy can be thwarted with some rudimetary protections but leave out the hard core stuff out, it isn't going to work.
  5. Newcastle Brown Ale or Sam Adams Golden Pilsner depending on my mood. That and Foster's Lager.
  6. I ordered the day it was released....(I would have pre-ordered it had I known about the game!).....I recieved it today.
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