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No time for sargeants?

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Am I the only guy who thinks NCO's don't get their due in CM. When I was in the Marine Corps it seemed like the noncom's always had thier s**t together while the Lieutenants's just got us lost. Yet in CM the squad leader is a nonentity. I would like to see some kind of morale penalty when the sarge gets smoked leaving his squad in the hands of a boot 2LT. This may be a matter of scale, CM simulates larger battles than, say ,Close Combat so maybe there's no room for Sgt. Rock in the engine, maybe for CM2.

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A good idea.

It would be good when the leader (or noncom)gets killed to lose some cohesion, and penalise speed of reaction to commands, fighting ability etc.


I feel like I'm standing in front of the monkey cage at the zoo. - HiramS

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Can't beat a little officer humor!

I concur that squad NCO's should have a more significant role other than the loss of the submachine gun--which ought to be picked up by someone, as long as we're on it, same same for the BAR.

Anyway, if we rate sarge for command and morale then we'd have to rate the squad's corporal as well, which seems to imply individual characteristics for all those mosquito wings and E1's. So while I can see the advantage and recognize the shortcoming of the game's present treatment I really doubt if a simple sergeant rating will do.

Also, I have a feeling way down low this ain't gonna fly very far fast at BTS, but we'll see. smile.gif

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If one takes it at the most abstracted level, the "sergeant effect" is already there.

Consider that squads/units that break/rout take a morale hit, denoted by the red "!" It's possible for a foot unit to break/rout that hasn't taken any losses, but it's pretty rare; most often, a broken/routed foot unit has already taken one or several casualties.

So later, if the unit is rallied back, it gets the red "!" label added. That can mean in the abstracted sense that ol' sarge got capped. But on the odd occasion that a unit breaks/routs without any losses, the abstraction can be that the guys in that unit felt they put too much faith in their NCO.

Of course, it would be kinda neat to simulate the grizzled-vet platoon being led into action by an inexperienced boot brown bar 2LT; and then if the enemy nails the platoon leader unit, one of the vet NCO's steps forward to form a new leader unit, with better ratings. But we can't have everything. wink.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

While this suggestion hasn't come up for a long while, it has been discussed several times before. Heck, we were discussing this before the Beta Demo came out over a year ago smile.gif

As Tris has stated, it ain't that simple. We would have to simulate a lot more than just the good 'ol sarge. In fact, look at a HQ unit. We don't simulate the officer either. So this is not something that is limited to NCOs in squads.

For reasons of scale, leaders are abstracted. The unit's abilit to keep itself cohesive is based on the skill of its leader. So contrary to what Mortarforker stated, leaders are very much a part of CM. The only difference between CM and reality is that the unit doesn't have a chance of falling apart, or perhaps even improving, if the leader gets greased. However, Spook's points are correct as CM can create similar end results as if a leader got greased.

We have no plans on changing this in the near future, but perhaps when we rewrite the game engine in the future we might look at this issue again.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 12-05-2000).]

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