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CM Waiting - Gold Demo Still Thrills!

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What else have I got to do? CM seems to be taking an eternity to arrive (eternity is not a very long time in the world of a CM addict). Play the Gold Demo one more time, Germans in VoT...



My Panther was immobilized by the last Sherman alive, the M4A3(76)W. But the Sherman paid the ultimate price.

Behind the Panther on the other side of the village, a US bazooka team took position and fired at the rear of the Panther. The turret of the Panther started its slow 180 degree turn to fire at this new threat. Some depleted German infantry also attempted to assist.

Bazooka team fired a second shot, just missing the rear end of that Panther. Ever so slowly that Panther turret turned. I was on the edge of my seat, screaming for that turret to get around in position.

Finally the turret was aligned. The US bazooka team was down to 1 man (thanks to my infantry), and with a single shot of its main gun, the Panther removed the US bazooka team threat for good. WHEW, that was SO close!

The intensity of that moment was astounding. I found my self shaken and thrilled even though this was the umpteenth time I've played this scenario. Its outstanding how a game experience with one scenario in CM can be so varied on replay.

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-23-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was on the edge of my seat, screaming for that turret to get around in position.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am constantly amazed at the comments of some RTS proponents who claim that CM doesn't have the emotional impact of their games. I just had a similar situation in CE, my Stug was targetting a line of woods when a Sherman rumbled out and into my line of fire. I was literally yelling "Come on, come on, get on it." I could see my Stug's targeting line and the Sherman's turret swinging and hull rotating. Finally my gunner pulled the trigger a second before the Sherman got lined up and the US tank brewed up ... my grandson, who was in the room, has taken to looking at me oddly ever since.


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you don't know how much i was yelling at the sherman to turn and fire first.. but alas my tank has blistering paint ..

yes! how can anyone say that this game doesn't make you sweat or is unrealistic is beyond me..

great job steve and charles

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George (Arien), it got a tad tense didn't it smile.gif Of course now that your guys are assaulting the church AND the woods to my right it's going to get even worse. Can't wait to get home and see what happens ... NOT THAT I'M POSTING AT WORK ... kind of ... well maybe ... a little.


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