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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bumrush:

Although it´s an English speaking forum... is it forbidden to speak (sorry: write) German??

And what do you mean with "troll"?


Not forbidden, just extremely impolite. OTOH, there is usually little problem and a lot of allowance is made for non-native English speakers and their problems in grappling with the language.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and the original Babelfish translation amused me, so I feel munificient:

People here were a bit effed off by the tone of your criticism. There is nothing wrong with criticism, but if you choose to come over aggressive, you can expect aggressive replies. A lot of people think this game is the best thing since sliced bread, so tread carefully.

There are some rules of behaviour on the board, and one of them appears to be that "Wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus." Works quite well, usually.

Not accepted behaviour however is to call an American or any other soldier or officer "dirty", as you have done. I don't want people to lay blanket insults at German or any other soldiers, and there are a lot of people on this board who had relatives fight in the war, so maybe choose your words carefully.

I hope that helps. And from reading your post, I would also assume that you really don't understand the way the game works too well. Maybe a better approach than throwing a tantrum would be to try and find out more about it.

Finally, a 'Troll' is someone who comes onto a discussion board, makes some outrageous statement he knows people on the board won't agree with and then enjoys to see said people go off onto a flame-war. 'Don't feed the Troll' means that you should not reply to them, thereby depriving them of their enjoyment.



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Originally posted by Bumrush:

...dreckigen GI-Offizier, der auch noch auf mich zurennt, zu töten!

And you meant to offend noone with quotes like this one?

Then you stated you didn't deserve the somewhat harsh treatment by those who answered to you?

Unless you start to appoint your criticism in a proper way you deserve anything you get, IMO.

If you don't see the point you're beyond Overlord...ahhh...help.


Es gibt Tage da verliert man und Tage da gewinnen die anderen.

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Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interestig and comical translations. Your real problem is failing to read every last one of the 63268 (as I write) posts, absorb them and contemplate the nature of the universe before making any critical comments about the AI or weapon effects. If you want to critcize the game you have to do it like this:

Omigod! I have found heaven! This is the greatest game in the history of civilization. Praise be God that he has given BTS the vision and will to create this game! I will not sleep for 40 days and 40 nights while I play this game!

But I do have a couple of minor, utterly inconsequential points that are really nothing and I hesitate to mention them at all but there must be something I am not understanding. It seems (to me in my entirely subjective opinion) that the AI is a little weak in that it constantly sends units charging at my units and they get cut down. I also think that it takes a little too long to wipe out some of these attacking units. One time it took 4 minutes to get one guy. I also have a problem with the tree graphics, they appear to be bitmaps, but this could be because my computer is not worthy. Thanks for any responses.

Long Live CM!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aikidorat:


that from Def Leppard's Pyromania?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yaya... my lame attempt at humor... getting a little heated in here.

Also a good litmus test to see who's under 25 ... the youngsters aree going to think it's from the race baiting Offspring song while us geezers know the true bubble gum metal origins smile.gif!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:

Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interesting and comical translations. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Speaking of which.

We should open a thread with CM posts in our respective Babelizing and have a kick out of it...

I guess it will most certainly brighten the days of us "Non-receiving would be CM receivers".

PS: This post was in French and had been processed by MarcelTranslator.


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:


Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interestig and comical translations. Your real problem is failing to read every last one of the 63268 (as I write) posts, absorb them and contemplate the nature of the universe before making any critical comments about the AI or weapon effects.


Actually, what ticked me off about Bumrush's post was the whole attitude that infected it.

Item -- From the first sentence (and I didn't need to use Babelfish to understand it): "I couldn't care less whether anyone on this board speaks German or not". It not only shows lack of consideration, but shows that he hasn't bothered to pay any attention to the forum or he'd know that we have at least half a dozen native German speakers plus several highly proficient non-native speakers.

Item -- "The AI is just stupid. A handful of American soldiers keeps rushing my German MG42 (bold in the original)... and dies eventually." Ok, he's entitled to his opinion about the AI, but I don't think he's interested in an exchange of rationally formed opinions. The use of the term "germanisch", as opposed to the more usual "deutsch", to describe an MG42 also gives me a pointer as to where he is coming from -- hence my quip about his boots and head in an earlier post.

Item --"How come the soldiers only die 'eventually'? When I'm spraying out 10 belts of ammo ... how come no one dies? Hell's Bells! I don't want to shoot tracers into the night (query translation, any native speakers?)... I want to exterminate the enemy!" This just shows that he hasn't even bothered to spend five minutes with the read-me file. As we say on UseNet, RTFM.

Item -- The "dirty GI officer" quote has been dealt with by others in the thread.

To sum up, a bad attitude combined with ignorance of the subject at hand isn't going to win him any friends.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:


Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interestig and comical translations. Your real problem is failing to read every last one of the 63268 (as I write) posts, absorb them and contemplate the nature of the universe before making any critical comments about the AI or weapon effects.


Actually, what ticked me off about Bumrush's post was the whole attitude that infected it.

Item -- From the first sentence (and I didn't need to use Babelfish to understand it): "I couldn't care less whether anyone on this board speaks German or not". It not only shows lack of consideration, but shows that he hasn't bothered to pay any attention to the forum or he'd know that we have at least half a dozen native German speakers plus several highly proficient non-native speakers.

Item -- "The AI is just stupid. A handful of American soldiers keeps rushing my German MG42 (bold in the original)... and dies eventually." Ok, he's entitled to his opinion about the AI, but I don't think he's interested in an exchange of rationally formed opinions. The use of the term "germanisch", as opposed to the more usual "deutsch", to describe an MG42 also gives me a pointer as to where he is coming from -- hence my quip about his boots and head in an earlier post.

Item --"How come the soldiers only die 'eventually'? When I'm spraying out 10 belts of ammo ... how come no one dies? Hell's Bells! I don't want to shoot tracers into the night (query translation, any native speakers?)... I want to exterminate the enemy!" This just shows that he hasn't even bothered to spend five minutes with the read-me file. As we say on UseNet, RTFM.

Item -- The "dirty GI officer" quote has been dealt with by others in the thread.

To sum up, a bad attitude combined with ignorance of the subject at hand isn't going to win him any friends.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest smbutler

This is an American forum, and in this country freedom of expression is not limited to a single language. Yes, it would be "polite" to use the language of world commerce here, but its possible that not all PAYING CUSTOMERS have learned English well enough to articulate their --legitimate-- questions and concerns. Some of the comments here might lead us to EXCLUDE non-English speaking people from participating, and that's UN-American.

I will also add that hostility to foreign languages is NOT going to help BTS expand their customer base.

Jez^is^ Maria,

Jesli-z^e budeme cicni jazyky mluvit, ja budu

velmi st^iastny. Neme^cky to je fine, protoz^e vyz^dycky hledam zkuz^nost mluvit

a zleps^it.

Valga me Dios. Yo creo que es muy bien que hablamos idiomas extranjeros, por que siempre

busco opportunidades para halbar las.

Mon Dieu! Je crois qu'il est bien qu'on parle des langues etrangeres. Tourjours je serche des chances pour (improve).

Liebe Gott. Es ist gutt, das jemand eine bische Deutch spricht. Ich lerne Deutsch jetzt, und ich suche immer die Moglichkeit mein Deutsch zu verbesern.

[This message has been edited by smbutler (edited 06-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by smbutler (edited 06-22-2000).]

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I honoestly didn't take offense in his "dirty GI" comment. Maybe he is just absorbed in the game. Thats what its for right?

If I ever say "filthy kraut" I assure you its with the utmost respect and admiration I have for the capabilities of the German soldier. The wacky little schnitzel peddlers that they are. smile.gif


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by smbutler:

This is an American forum, and in this country freedom of expression is not limited to a single language. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

True, but he speaks English quite well it seems and also seems to have an attitude problem about it, as Ethan pointed out.



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Guest Big Time Software

Well, me thinks it is time to close this one up. Seems the original poster has a bit of an attitude problem, and the actual language used to express it is irrelevant.

As it is this BBS is only useful if we all communicate in a common language. That language is obviously English, not German. Although I love the German language (a bit rusty on it since it has been 8 years since I have used it for real) it is no more appropriate here than is my other favorite language, Slovene smile.gif

If the original poster can adequately communicate in English, than English should be the language used here. This is for practical reasons, not nationalistic ones. Anybody who has read this BBS for any length of time knows that we (BTS/BF.C) take a VERY dim view of nationalistic positions ESPECIALLY American nationalism. So I fail to see why we should stand for German or any other nationalistic positions to be posted here.

The fact that we are asking that this BBS be kept in English is simply for practical reasons. We welcome any discussion here even if the English is not very good (better than my Spanish and German smile.gif). We do not welcome any nationalistic garbage in any language. We also don't really care to have postings by people that like to sound off but not listen. There is little value to such communication and therefore it has no place here.


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