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OT: WW2 Reenacting...

Guest TomServo

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Guest TomServo

I'm going to ask this question again, since there are a lot more people freqenting the forums now.

So, who all here does ww2 reenacting?

I do Britsh Para here in Oregon.

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Guest TomServo

Well, think about it .. WW2 = World War Two... Reenacting = acting out. Haven't you ever heard of Civil War reenactments? Well they have ww2 reenactments.

We go out, dressed in period uniforms and weapons, and shoot blanks at each other.. its great fun, and a perfect learning experiance.

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what is it?

Reenacting is where you dress and act the part of diffrent countries and reenact battles that took place.

Pillar I know your into Role-playing. So basicaly it is just a live action role-playing game of WWII, Civil-war, ect...

Sorry to use the word "game" in there. but thats the closest definition I have.



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I do lots of Victorian reenacting (that's my main hobby - British uniforms and equipment from the 1800's).

Here in California, I do British Airborne Recce, usually tasked with carrying a bren (though I've carried the morter more than noce)...BASH ON!

One of our fellows down here now owns a STUG, a 222 and now a stuart...another fellow has a T34. there are usually numerous jeeps, a motorcycle or two and various other vehicles (down south they have a few half tracks) as well.

It's just about the best hobby you can imagine...

Anyone in Northern CA interested in getting involved, let me know...we're just starting to have Eastern Front battles as well.

Finially, once a year a bunch of Japanese reenactors come over and we fight them. they're about the nicest people you'll ever meet and we have a great time.


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Guest TomServo

Onnel, the 2nd SS(i believe its 2nd)group came up here for our June event, they invited us down for the November event there, we may just come down.

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Guest TomServo

Neutral Party - is that a sarcastic remark? or are you talking about pretending to die when you are hit?

For now we just take the "hit" and go to the "dead pool" where we wait a certain amount of time, then we go back to it. At our last event in June we did some mock-battles for the Public were when we were "hit" we would actually stay ont he ground, .. but.. yeah..

Piller - Yes, i'm sure there are some near ontario. We have some people that come from Alberta and Saskatiwan(i can never spell it correctly)to reenact here, but there are some units that way.

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Guest Molyneaux2

Used to be in the Welsh Guards in the 80's. dropped out to do Viking and English Civil War. Thinkin about gettin back in by way of Soviet impression, there is a good unit in the Kentucky area or so I have heard. Would be neat to do East front, no bloody US para's wink.gif

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Guest TomServo

We did a East front impression last march. That was fun... those russians were entertaining w/ their charges...

We're doing a small Tusnsia event in sept. w/ just british and germans(maybe some gi's), that should be great. I've been wanting to do a normal infantry impression.

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