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Gun accuracy

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I have only played CM a few times, but the other night a buddy and I were hotseating it, and we both felt that the gun accuracy on both allied and german tanks was far too good for the distances and relative speeds of the respective AFV's. He and I both have played tactical games i.e. Squad Leader, Panzer Strike, And Steel Panthers, for years now. Was it just a fluke, or are the crews far more accurate than their real life counterparts? Granted we have only played one random scenario, so maybe it will even out, but his IIIj took my sherman out at 500+ meters while the sherman was moving fast, but before the sherman died it took out one of his puma's(500+ meters) while the sherman was moving fast. Is this accurate? Thanks.


"Reality is created by the participation of the participants."- John Wheeler

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LOL, if you've got some time on your hands you might want to peruse the "88 KwK accuracy test" thread. Many people seem to feel that accuracy in CM is too low rather than the reverse, but compelling evidence is still lacking (for me at any rate).

But in general, drawing sweeping conclusions about internal probabilities based on one or two events is likely to lead you astray. Trends over many engagements are what is important.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Thanks Snake Eyes! I figured that this is old business, but since I am am green I wanted to hear some vets opinions on the subject.


"Reality is created by the participation of the participants."- John Wheeler

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -tink-:

I have only played CM a few times, but the other night a buddy and I were hotseating it, and we both felt that the gun accuracy on both allied and german tanks was far too good for the distances and relative speeds of the respective AFV's. He and I both have played tactical games i.e. Squad Leader, Panzer Strike, And Steel Panthers, for years now. Was it just a fluke, or are the crews far more accurate than their real life counterparts? Granted we have only played one random scenario, so maybe it will even out, but his IIIj took my sherman out at 500+ meters while the sherman was moving fast, but before the sherman died it took out one of his puma's(500+ meters) while the sherman was moving fast. Is this accurate? Thanks.


The other posts in this thread have suggested you might want to read the contents of a few other threads here as well.

I have commented alot about this lately. At the ranges you describe I think your chance to hit % coud be as high as 40 - 50% , that almost 50/50 or 1 in 2 so in the encounter you talked about you probably got lucky., If you have played other board game wargames I'm sure you know the "six sided Demon" has settled more than a few scenario's with the unluckiest side losing. Well tank gunnery in CM has alot to do with Luck as well and in both cases you mention you and your friend both got lucky. What the other threads about this issue are discussing is the long range accuracy and what I believe is the lack of a realistic second and third shot chance to hit increase in accuracy for an accquired target at long range.

Keep playing CM and watch how many times at the same range your tank misses 2 or 3 shots in row then gets nailed and KO'd by the enemy with his first shot. It happens, and it will likely tick you off when it does. Those are just my personal opinions and many others here includeing BTS disagree me, but thats ok smile.gif

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 10-16-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -tink-:

He and I both have played tactical games i.e. Squad Leader, Panzer Strike, And Steel Panthers, for years now. Was it just a fluke, or are the crews far more accurate than their real life counterparts?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Welcome, and I love this juxtaposition...



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I'm currently playing a QB game. On the very first turn one of my M10's damaged the gun of a Tiger Ie(late) with its very first shot at 644m. It then bounced two other rounds off the Tiger's hull before penetrating with regular AP. When my opponent's second Tiger Ie was located I attacked it with two M10's and a M4(105). The Tiger shrugged off all hits, front and side, then dispatched all three assailants. It has since brewed-up another M4(105) and an M8 GMC and shaken off numerous bazooka hits. Go figure. rolleyes.gif


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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