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Halftracks: Easy Pickings

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After playing a few QB's, I noticed that Halftracks seemed to succomb fairly readily to mortars, especially the 2" British mortar teams. In one Assault scenario, the computer chose to start with 23 German HTs! I managed to kill 6 of them by mortar alone; all of my troops were Regular. In another with the comp choosing only 6 HT's this time, I still managed to nail 2 with mortars. The rest were nailed by a Greyhound (a very handy vehicle to have around). This isn't an overwhelming stastistical sample, but does this seem high to anyone? I'm not really complaining; I was very happy to get rid of them!

Piat teams rule; 'zook teams drool. And that's just the way it is. smile.gif

But would there be anyway to get the Piat/Zook/Shreck teams to re-hide immediately after killing its target if there are no other targets in the vicinity? Would be nice.

I've found myself on more than one occasion wishing I had just one more Platoon or Company commander to control my support weapons. Would it be possible to add a CO unit when purchasing units for a Quick Battle? Just 1 or 2 per thousand points would go a long way, but also limit abusive purchases.

I'd also like to see the ability to buy units with a wider variety of experience. I realize this can be abused, but it would really be nice to mix some Elite and Green units in with the Regs and Vets.

Just thinking out loud.

BTW, the FOW in this game is awesome. In one scenario, I've had different German vehicles IDed as a "Lt Tank?" and shown as a Lynx. One turned out to be a Panzer IV (which my Greyhound would not have dealt with well) and the other turned out to be a Halftrack! In the same scenario! Arrrgh!!! smile.gif

Great game.

- Chris

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