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German Vechiles

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I've looked right threw the list, and studied all the stats. I have to say there is not a single german vechile that looks like its worth the points. They all have some major flaw. Mostly 8mm side armour that just gets turned to swiss cheese by the .50 cal. The assualt halftrack with the 20mm was my closet pick but its slow turrent and the fact that the 20mm is quite ineffective vs infantry (it seems to fire off 3 or so round bursts but only the last shot counts and if the target is moving its almost impossable to hit anything). The puma is close to being picked also but its very pricey and agian it has 8mm side armour.

Give me a T-8 or M-20 any day.

Has any1 used any german vechiles to good effect? Its pretty obvious you have to use them very smartly... hit and runs etc.

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Heh. I haven't found any allied vehicles really worth their price. smile.gif

My favourite german is the pzwak223/3 (or something)

The puma look-alike with 75mm gun.

But yeah, germans don't have anything you could use like M8 or M20.


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

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