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Tank in building - bug

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Playing Nijmegen as Americans, I have a Sherman in a heavy building (showed up w/ reinforcements). I took a screenshot, but have no idea how to put it up. It's a jpeg. How do I show what I'm talking about so that it can get fixed? More importantly, I need that Sherman bad, how do I get it out? I found it quite by accident when I tried to move an infantry into that building and it said "embark" - doh!

In case I can't put up a screenie, the tank is in 3rd building back from river to right of RR tracks as you face the Waal river towards the German positions.


Jeff Abbott

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Warning!!! Spoiler for Walk In Paris !!!

I played as Germans vs. Fr. last night, and I had already played the other side before. I was wondering why I only had to take on 2 of the 4 reenforcing TD's and no infantry. When the game was over I checked the map and 1 TD was in a building, a TD and a jeep were in the river. Sort of ruined my feeling of victory. This is with the 1.03 patch. When I played as the Fr., with 1.01 the reenforcements were not in buildings.

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To add to this.

I was recently able to drive a German HalfTrack into woods/tall pines terrain (can't remember which it was). And it was in there, not just on the edge. I do have saved file that BTS can look at if they wish.

Mikester out.

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