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Bigger maps for QB !!! Please please please

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Since i'm relatively new, i'd like to apologies if this topic has been mentioned before... just want to point out something that really bohter's me about current QBs....

I realize that there are hardware limitations as to how big map can the computer handle. From some programming background i have i would reason that AI might have problem working with extreemly large maps, but with advent of faster computers - can we please have an option of very big map for QB's ? Please ?

Current QB games i've played on the biggest maps avaialbe are at best mile across, which means any flanking manouvering will likely be easily spoted and will come under small arms fire from across the map.

Games bog down to "hold the right spot and ambush" or "pound the crap out of it with artilery and overwhealm it with large infantry" situations.

I would love to see a map with size up to 5 kliks width. Where the halftracks racing down your flank on the far end make you think twice about keeping reserves. Where long ranges weapons can utilize their adventages instead of having them negated by the constant short range fights.

Tiger on the hill two kicks from you would make you think twice woundn't it ?

So if really big maps are indeed the problem for AI and it's thinking as far as moving troops, can we please at least have it as an option for QB or those people with fast computers or time to spare ?

I'd much rather wait for the turn to compile for 3 minutes then wonder if 3 platoons siting in the central forest can stop 4 platoons coming at it.

Thank you for you time.

Just my 2 cents.


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