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Just wondering

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Would there be an option to have a some sort of message popping up each time a casualty is inflicted. Like "mg42: 2 casualties recieved" or something like that beacause it is hard to keep track of what kind of damage u'r inflicting or getting.

And does anyone know how long it would take for the game to be delivered?

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, believe it or not, that has already been covered. I can't remember the exact reasoning behind the answer, but it was something to the effect of cluttering the battlefield with pop-up text. Also it would interfere with FOW settings.

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I think one of the reasons was realism. You have to put yourself in the position of your force commander. Are you always going to be able to ask that MG42 500m away how many casualties they caused in the last minute confused.gif


krm - King of useless posts;)

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With my philosophy of play I actually don't like to know exactally how many casulties each squad has taken. I just look at how many yellow lines are comming into them, weather they are under HE fire. I mean, a comander isn't going to have time to take a census every minute. I try to hold myself to similar restrictions as a CO would have. I can't get orders off in 1 minute, but I try for 5 or 10.


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I see your point, but CM is not a role playing game simulation about a CO, its a wargame.

And information deficit is (maybe) realistic, but realism has to be balanced with gameplay.


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You can check each individual unit during the turn phase. Even if one of your units is taking heavy casualties, there's nothing that you can do about it during the "real time phase".



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