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Newbie Dictionary

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It's not really the fact that one is asking a question or making a statement that has been made before, it's the way they make it. So, what phrases really set get your hackles up and what do you hear when they say it?

The one that prompted this was GenX-87 saying,

"Nice game, it may have possibilities."

How is one supposed to respond to that? "GenX-87, THE GenX-87?!?! And you think our humble, little game may have possibilities??? Oh thank you! Thank you so much!!!" I immediately translated this statement to mean, "Hi there, self-important twit."

Of course, no offense meant GenX-87, you're just a case-study.


You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins.

-Hakko Ichiu

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The ones that tick me off are the arrogant comments that say in essence,

"This game would be REALLY good if it had 'X' in it. When will that be added? Then this game would be good."

Arrggh. Piss off.

It's never a question as to why something was not included. Just a statement, THIS SHOULD BE HERE!!

Got no patience for that crap.

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Guest Michael emrys

The ones that really bug me are the ones that post something as if they are the final authority and no argument will be countenanced...and then they don't even get it right! This is a fault not only of newbies but sometimes of old farts like me.


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