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Infantry assaulting tanks

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Guest hunt52

All squads have anti tank capabilities. Most are armed either with Panzerfausts (germans - a nasty weapon) or Rifle Grenades (american - a dinkier but still effective weapon). Those that aren't can heave grenades. If you run a squad in good order up real close to a (buttoned) tank there is a chance you will see a couple of grenades fly and the tank go boom. Usually at a very high cost to the infantry. I once got the Tiger in Last Defence with a rifle squad!

- Bill

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I swarmed an immobilized Panther in VoT with two full squads and an engineer team. The Panther's turret was turned at a right angle from my multi-sqaud charge. The Panther was trying to kill a Bazooka team that I had positioned in a crater about 20 meters away.

During the turn, my engineer team decided to take cover in some scattered trees about 10 meters away. The two squads had just run upon the tank when my engineers fired a rifle grenade and hit the front armor causing two casualties due to friendly fire. The turn continued, with the squads right in the same spot as the Panther. I heard a **THONK** and saw a message saying that the Panther was knocked out. The crew came out of the bottom of the hatch and was eliminated about 3 meters from the tank.

I'm certain what exactly the squads did to the tank, but hey, they did it well. I noticed "hunt52" said something about all squads having rifle grenades, this seems correct to me. However, the engineer teams have icons for them (as well as icons for satchel charges), why don't the squads have icons.


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The squads actually do have icons for rifle grenades. Satchel charges are the squarish tan things while rifle grenades are green and look a bit like a bomb. As a side note, I find that using infantry as a distraction to the enemy tank while a friendly tank takes it out from affar is pretty effective. Is there a minimum range for the tank weapons? I've noticed shermans don't tend to engage infantry that is with in 20m or so. I know there was a minimum range historically (because of inability to depress the barrel to far), but it could also be that the sherman is too busy freaking out and reversing.


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As far as a minimum range for Tanks, in Last Defense I drove a Wolverine right up to a German MG, the turret traversed, the gun depressed to a point that looked like it was pressed right to the machine gunners head and fired. All I had was AP shells left so it only killed one guy but it sure shook the rest up. They got up and ran into the woods with AP shells plowing up the earth all around them.

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