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Hidden river fords?

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I've read that the Soviets became very skilled at creating fords through rivers that were virtually undetectable, allowing them to cross rivers that the Germans believed were impassable.

I don't know how common they were, but if they were could they be in CM2?

Any hardcore grogs out there want to do the research on these?


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the russkies built wooden bridges a few inches under the water during the night...so next day the germs were in fer a nasty surprise


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Another thing to remeber is that the Russians had a very friendly local populace on their side, and no one knows the local area better than the local peasantry. Some "hidden" fords were probably just not apparent to the Germans, but were related to Russians when they arrived in the area.

One only needs to look to the Battle of Thermopolye (480 BC) to see the effect local information can have on a battlefield. In that battale, 300 Spartans were effectively blocking the entire Persian host (c. 50,000) in a small defile. They blocked them until a local turned traitor and showed the Persians an otherwise unknown route around the pass. The Persians infiltrated and took the Spartans from behind, opening the way into Attica.



Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salatamus.

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