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O/T Canadiens LOL

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I had the privilege of attending a great military exerise called "RAINBOW SEARPENT"

located in Australia during 1998.

If anyone in the armed forces from American,

British, Canadian, Austrailan, or New Zealand forces ever get a chance to go, it is truly an awesome experience.

Any way, the Canadian forces that took part in the exercise were from Quebec, and mainly consited of "French Canadians".

It seemed throughout the exercise, when "WAR TIME" was over and turned into "BEER TIME",

the Canadians would head off in their own direction.....and seemed very unsocialable.

While the Brits, US, and Ausies were making complete fools of themselves in down town Brisbane. Even when we did meet up with some Canadian forces, they tended to stay within thier own group, even speaking FRENCH to each other so no one else could under stand. I dunno....they just seemed kind of snooty.

This seemed total oposite from the Canadians

I have had such a good time with here on the west coast, during my white water rafting trips and just visiting the western part of Canada.

Kinda wierd huh?

I have never been to eastern Canada, so I don't know if this is the norm for "FRENCH CANADIANS".


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

OK, let's talk about economics. So the government of Canada pays for medical care, so you think it's free? You're all paying for it through highly inflated prices and/or taxes on everything else! Isn't Socialism great?

*********************************************Well< lets see we have got 135 bucks for an office visit at the doc, 50 bucks for a prescription,

then we got another 135 bucks for the specialist referral

another 500 bucks for some tests

another 400 bucks aday for ahospital stay

and on and on and on

isn't capitilism great

ps OH we can't find whats wrong with you here have some antibiotics :P



So what's the price of a liter of gasoline there now? Now times that by 3 point something and that's what it would be per gallon. Gasoline locally here is currently, cause it dropped today by about a dime, $1.44/gal.


LOL TRy the west coast at $2.50 a gallon

And what's this I hear about the Canadian government paying every family a $100 per month per child. Sounds like an excuse to be lazy to me. AGAIN, words from my old Canadian ex-neighbor when in fact she was (lazy).


well those are words of authority rolleyes.gif


And isn't it true that most retired folks from Canada move to the States because they can't afford to live there due to the high inflated prices and taxes?


this comes from the land of the homeless

at any rate I mostly elderly Candians on vacation, having lots of money to blow on condos-


Just as 'killmore' suggested, aren't I right?

Of course, trying not to be too mouthy. wink.gif Just reporting the facts as once heard from a true source.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>





[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-17-2000).]

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Now hold on there, Major Tom...

Y'all should be more careful 'bout makin references to my kinfolk down in Virginia. I got a side of the family that had the holler they live in named after them.

Iffin we take offense, we might just collect the clan, pile into our pickup trucks, drive up yonder and teach y'all a lesson with our squirrel guns.

And what's all this talk about Canadian Beer? I wouldn't feed my baby beer. Can't hold a candle to some good ol' fashioned shine made from corn, or better yet peaches.

If you can't set it on fire, it ain't worth drinkin.


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