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A Few Bugs

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Craters appearing on steep terrain, particularly near places where it may even out, are glitchy. (extending over the edge of a cliff, or from the mountain side out into space, for example) Tall bridges over land or water are indestructable. Wooden bridges seem to only show the destroyed wooden bridge graphic on the turn they are destroyed; they switch to the destroyed short stone bridge graphic on later turns. Sometimes abandoned tanks don't immediately go down with bridges when the bridge they're on are destroyed; they just hover in mid-air for a turn.

Just some things I noticed while playing around with bridges in the editor; not too important for the most part but fixes when BTS can get around to it would be nice. smile.gif

Ataru ^_^

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Hmm, how much of a beating did you lay down on that bridge? I was unable to destroy tall stone bridges over land or water with the a 3 14 inch spotter bombardment. :P Either it takes more than I was able to deliver, or there was a bug of some specific sort happening in my test game...

Ataru ^_^

(hehe, and is it just me or does that destroyed bridge look kinda funny. wink.gif I think full 3d bridges like the houses would be a nice CM 2 feature)

[This message has been edited by Ataru *~ (edited 09-10-2000).]

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