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Killer rig for a killer game

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Finally got my 'puter put back together at 1:30 this a.m. I put my brand new V5 5500 in, installed Win98, installed my Xitel Storm Platinum sound card (A3D Vortex 2 chipset), and installed CM and the patch.

Put the screen at 1024x768, 4x FSAA. Played the tutorial right quick (it was 2:00 a.m.). WOW!!! Infreakingcredible how good it looks. But wait, there's more. Forcefeedback headphones come with the Xitel sound card. Plop those babies on, turn on the forcefeedback, and now feel the power as well as see the power. The headphones vibrate with the bass. Louder the bass, better the effects. So now when a shell lands to my left, I hear it to my left, my screen starts shaking, and my head starts rattling. No jaggies, no shimmers. Truly truly AWESOME!

Tonight I install Game Commander to voice activate the hot keys. I'm downloading the Madd Dog patches and hope to install them tonight as well. Does it get any better than this? smile.gif. What a game! Thank you thank you thank you BTS.


Jeff Abbott

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I hate you.

I am playing on P2-233 with a 8MB Voodoo2,and that is as good as it will get for the next several months, at best.

I tell you, just because we just had a new son, and just because we want to buy a house, my wife will not let me spend the $2000 I want to purchase a shiny new computer. Life is so unfair.

Jeff Heidman

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Jeff H: where do you live? I think I have a P2-333 lying around at home (from when I upgraded to a celeron 500). I won't be needing it. If you want, I'll look for it and send it to you (free) if I still have it. It's not much, and it may require you to flash your motherboard bios (I had to when I went from my 233 to the 333), but if you're interested email me.



Jeff Abbott

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