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Artillery and Motar Spotters:Hill 216

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Does anyone have any good ideas on how to protect the spotters on hill 216 in VOT. Mine get killed before I even have a CHance to use them. I thought that smoke would be effective . Please whats your stategy here??

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My basic motto for this situation is, "that which the enemy cannot see, the enemy cannot kill." What does that mean in this case? Three things.

1. Keep them in cover (the tall pines just to the south of the little house are my favorite - excellent cover combined with great LOS).

2. Any necessary movement (e.g. moving up to the edge of the pines after the initial deployment) should be done with "sneak" or "crawl."

3. They should stay in "hide" unless there's a good reason otherwise, i.e. they are currently calling in a strike.

A unit that follows these guidelines will only be spotted by very bad luck. Or, I should say, if any enemy units get close enough to see them, you are SOL already. This brings up an additional point. Mortars and spotters will probably not be spotted themselves, even when firing (esp. if the mortars are firing indirect) but MGs will be. MGs firing tends to bring down a barrage of 81mm shells that will also hit anything close to the MGs. So, try to keep the spotters and MGs separated. (Any better ideas on this point, anyone?) Hope this helps!


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Are you using full FOW? And are you playing against the AI or in a PBEM game? In my experience, my FOs are not spotted if I leave them in exactly the same position that they started at in setup. In other words, as long as they don't move, they aren't readily spotted. You need to make sure they have a good LOS, so you don't need to move them.

If you don't have FOW on, or are playing a PBEM game against someone who has played the scenario before, then all bets are off.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

personally, I like my FO's OUT of line of site. There is a longer delay for fire missions, but it virtually guarantees that they will get their shots in without dying....

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But it also spreads out the pattern something fierce. Just take care they aren't seen, and you get a concentrated pattern AND security.


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I like to get the one 105mm spotter from area white in VoT sneak with his commander (preferable one with Stealth+ ) in a position where he can see the complete Plomville ... I love thos buildings crashing down. harrharrharr (btw, crashing buildings & use of weapons don't make smoke/dust ? not even a bit ? booo )


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I like to place my two Shermans slightly to the North (Left Side) of Hill 216 where they can take out the enemy Pill Boxes. After I kill them off I can move my Spotters wherever I darnwell please and the Germans can't do a thing about it.

After the fortifications are cleared out I attack with half my forces on my left flank and half on my right and squeeze the Germans out.

Also, if you leave your MG on Hill 216, make sure you keep it hidden until the Pill Boxes are taken out. After this, however, that gun can do some serious damage from the top of the hill.

The first time I tried this my Shermans were able to take out all fortifications in view of Hill 216 (All but one bunker) without taking any hits. My Spotters were never seen.

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IMHO, The placement of arty spotters atop or near the top of hill 216 is way too obvious. The first time i fired up VoT as the Amis i moved them immediatly.

During set-up, take the time to try out different positions off of hill 216. I look for positions at lower elevations but with good LOS to important terrain features. I also hide my FOs for the first few turns, then sneak them into position once the enemy has revealed it's Hvy weapons. The enemy will usually be too occupied with my general advance to notice them.

Bottom line: There is no point in having the sweeping panoramic view when there's no one alive on the hill to enjoy it wink.gif


"I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

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