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New review of CM at Strategy Gaming Online

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Good review...I think the AI is a little tougher to fight than you seem to think, but I think your evaluation was fair.

Keep up the good work...positive press is a good thing for BTS! smile.gif

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Nice review.

It's obvious that you love the game but the review doesn't come across as biased. Your inclusion of "cons" although minimal lends credibility to the review. Written to the non-grognard I could definitely see it as enticing new players to check it out.

Thank you for supporting our patron developer BTS.

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Anthony, I thought it was a good, solid and well researched review. You've obviously played the game enough to get a good feel for how it works. While we might quibble a bit about the exact ratings you gave, we should be quite happy with the overall 9 out of 10 smile.gif

The only real question I had was about your comment dealing with close quarters combat. I believe you stated that you didn't feel like you had "control" over the action? I must admit I've never really had that problem, the different views that BTS has provided seem to me to be more than sufficient to determine what needs to be done. That does not, of course, mean that my guys will necessarily DO IT smile.gif

Regarding the replays, I find the ability ... indeed the necessity of running it from more than one viewpoint to be a plus. I don't always do it, but I find myself "saving the best for last", I'll deliberately set the viewpoint so that I don't see what's happening in the Tiger vs Sherman Jumbo duel while I check out the rest of the action. This is one of the few games that makes me as nervous as a cat when I'm watching certain replays. I'm at work right now and I just got an email from Kuntzler saying "I won't spoil it for you but ... smile.gif" Now I'm dying to figure out what he's referring to. Did I do good and he's congratulating me on my good fortune or did he do good and he's happy about that. Stupid Game smile.gif

But again, a good review that was well done. Thanks for your support of this great game, we are already chomping at the bit for CM2 - Eastern Front and appreciate the additional buzz that good reviews provide.


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I will commend you, Anthony, for your review, and the issues in it that you have covered.

But now on a nitpicking note, in regards to your quote below in the review's text:

I have, however, played a lot of war games and I can tell you with confidence that the realism in Combat Mission stands up to any other offering out there, save The Operational Art Of War (though there have been claims that TOAW is completely unrealistic...sigh).

It's hard to compare between these two as they attempt completely different scopes (tactical vs. operational), but for what they do attempt to model, CM is FAR ahead of TOAW on the realism scale.

And no, I don't bash TOAW over the worn-out "jeeps vs. Tigers" argument. In fact, I'm still impressed with the amibitious, open-ended nature of the TOAW system. But from my own review of combat resolutions through the toaw_log utility, the numerous errors (IMO) in the equipment data without being able to edit same, and still very limited command/control & supply effects, I think TOAW has got a lot more ground to cover to meet a "realism" standard for operational play that CM has achieved for its tactical setting.

Yep, you guessed it, I'm one of those d&%$ed grognards. biggrin.gif

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Oh God, someone who thinks TOAW has somewhat realistic armour combat resolution algorithms....

Sorry but those algorithms ( up until the WOTY edition and TOAW2) were pure bunkum. CM FAR surpasses TOAW on realism grounds simply because it doesn't have basic misunderstandings at the basis of some of its most important combat resolution algorithms ( unlike TOAW).

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