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New Tile Requests

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I don't know if its possible, but after messing around with the scenario editor for the past few days and creating two scenarios (one of which in playtest stage), I have to say there are a few new tiles which I REALLY would like to see.

1. Train track Bridge

2. Train-Road crossing

Argh, I thought there were a few others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

Any other ideas as to tiles we could request for a later patch? I've heard sand (might be more difficult, I don't know. Also, BTS, what is the chance of having some of these requests granted? The scenario editor is great, but there are little things that could allow us to polish our scenarios and make it even better wink.gif

just wondering smile.gif


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Umm, the train tracks are there... click on the little down arrow to see them.

just no way to get a road OVER the tracks

(one of my scenarios has a railroad station complete with switching yards in the middle of a town... it was kinda annoying that I couldn't cross the tracks with any road, or run the tracks over the river that bisected the town.


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