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capturing movies?

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There are a few. You can use a program that captures what is shown on your screen, but that eats storage and you can't move around and view the battlefield. In PBEM games there are movie files that can be saved and take up signficantly less space and can be played contiguously with a new utility. Other than that: Nope. If you're curious you can't just save a turn before you hit "Go" because it re-calculates the turn everytime you hit go. In other words: You never get the same thing twice.

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If you have a video card with video-out (like a Voodoo 3, among several others), you can use a VCR to save the footage. You could use this to put together an entire battle for viewing on your TV.

If you have a video-capture card (basic models such as Pinnacle Studio DC10 Plus are <$100), you could import and edit the videotape into a polished presentation and save it in a digital format viewable by others on their PCs/Macs. I've done this for other PC-generated "footage," but not for CM.

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